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SI630– Homework 2 Word Embeddings Solved

1         Introduction
How do we represent word meaning so that we can analyze it, compare different words’ meanings, and use these representations in NLP tasks? One way to learn word meaning is to find regularities in how a word is used. Two words that appear in very similar contexts probably mean similar things. One way you could capture these contexts is to simply count which words appeared nearby. If we had a vocabulary of V words, we would end up with each word being represented as a vector of length |V |[1] where for a word wi, each dimension j in wi’s vector, wi,j refers to how many times wj appeared in a context where wi was used.

The simple counting model we described actually words pretty well as a baseline! However, it has two major drawbacks. First, if we have a lot of text and a big vocabulary, our word vector representations become very expensive to compute and store. A 1,000 words that all co-occur with some frequency would take a matrix of size |V |2, which has a million elements! Even though not all words will co-occur in practice, when we have hundreds of thousands of words, the matrix can become infeasible to compute. Second, this count-based representation has a lot of redundancy in it. If “ocean” and “sea” appear in similar contexts, we probably don’t need the co-occurrence counts for all |V | words to tell us they are synonyms. In mathematics terms, we’re trying to find a lower-rank matrix that doesn’t need all |V | dimensions.

Word embeddings solve both of these problems by trying to encode the kinds of contexts a word appears in as a low-dimensional vector. There are many (many) solutions for how to find lower-dimensional representations, with some of the earliest and successful ones being based on the Singular Value Decompositions (SVD); one you may have heard of is Latent Semantic Analysis. In Homework 2, you’ll learn about a new recent technique, word2vec, that outperforms prior approaches for a wide variety of NLP tasks. This homework will build on your experience with stochastic gradient descent (SGD) and softmax classification from Homework 1. You’ll (1) implement a basic version of word2vec that will learn word representations and then (2) try using those representations in intrinsic tasks that measure word similarity and an extrinsic task for sentiment analysis.

For this homework, we’ve provided skeleton code in Python 3 that you can use to finish the implementation of word2vec and comments within to help hint at how to turn some of the math into python code. You’ll want to start early on this homework so you can familiarize yourself with the code and implement each part.

2           Notes
We’ve made the implementation easy to follow and avoided some of the useful-to-opaque optimizations that can make the code much faster. As a result, training your model may take some time. We estimate that on a regular laptop, it might take 30-45 minutes to finish training your model on a high number of iterations (e.g., 10-15) to get the vectors to converge. That said, you can still quickly run the model for a few iterations (3-4) in a few minutes and check whether it’s working. A good way to check is to see what words are most similar to some high frequency words, e.g., “good” or “bad.” If the model is working, similar-meaning words should have similar vector representations, which will be reflected in the most similar word lists.

The skeleton code also includes methods for reading and writing word2vec data in a common format. This means you can save your model and load the data with any other common libraries that work with word2vec.[2]

On a final note, this is the most challenging homework in the class. Much of your time will be spent on Task 1, which is just implementing word2vec. It’s a hard but incredibly rewarding homework and the process of doing the homework will help turn you into a world-class information and data scientist!

3         Data
For data, we’ll be using a simplified version of Amazon food review that’s been pared down to be manageable. We’ve provided two files for you to use:

1.   unlabeled-text.tsv – Train your word2vec model on this data

2.   intrinsic-test.csv – This is the data for the intrinsic evaluation on word similarity; you’ll upload your predictions to Kaggle for this.

4         Task 1: Word2vec
In Task 1, you’ll implement word2vec in various stages. You’ll start by getting the core part of the algorithm up and running with gradient descent and using negative sampling to generate output data that is incorrect. Then, you’ll work on ways to speed up the efficiency and quality by removing overly common words and removing rare words. Finally, you’ll change the implementation so that you have an adjustable window, e.g., instead of looking at ±2 words around the target word, you’ll look at either 4 after the target word or 4 words before the target word.[3]

Parameters and notation The vocabulary size is V , and the hidden layer size is N. The units on these adjacent layers are fully connected. The input is a one-hot encoded vector x, which means for a given input context word, only one out of V units, {x1,...,xV }, will be 1, and all other units are 0. The output layer consists of a number of context words which are also V -dimensional onehot encodings of a number of words before and after the input word in the sequence. So if your input word was word w in a sequence of text and you have a context window C = [−2,−1,1,2], this means you will have four V -dimensional one-hot outputs in your output layer, each encoding words w−2,w−1,w+1,w+2 respectively. Unlike the input-hidden layer weights, the hidden-output layer weights are shared: the weight matrix that connects the hidden layer to output word wj will be the same one that connects to output word wk for all context words.

The weights between the input layer and the hidden layer can be represented by a V ×N matrix

W and the weights between the hidden layer and each of the output contexts similarly represented


as W . Each row of W is the N-dimension embedded representation vI of the associated word wI of the input layer. Let input word wI have one-hot encoding x and h be the output produced at the hidden layer. Then, we have:

h = WT x = vI


Similarly, vI acts as an input to the second weight matrix W to produce the output neurons which will be the same for all context words in the context window. That is, each output word vector is:


u = W h

and for a specific word wj, we have the corresponding embedding in and the corresponding neuron in the output layer gets uj as its input where:


Given that the true context word for a given context is , our task is to find which word the model estimated to be most likely by applying softmax over all u. In particular, the probability that word wc is the true context word is given as:

The log-likelihood function is then to maximize the probability that the context words (in this case, w−2,...,w+2) were all guessed correctly given the input word wI. In particular, we want to maximize:

It’s important to note that in our formulation, the relative positions of the words in the context aren’t explicitly modeled by the word2vec neural network. Since we use the W 0 matrix to predict all of the words in the context, we learn the same set of probabilities for the word before the input versus the word after (i.e., word order doesn’t matter).

If you read the original word2vec paper, you might find some of the notation hard to follow. Thankfully, several papers have tried to unpack the paper in a more accessible format. If you want another description of how the algorithm works, try reading Goldberg and Levy [2014][4] or Rong [2014][5] for more explanation. There are also plenty of good blog tutorials for how word2vec works and you’re welcome to consult those.[6]

In your implementation we recommend using these default parameter values:

•   N = 100

•   η = 0.05

•   C = [−2,−1,1,2]

•   min count = 50

•   epochs = 5

4.1       Negative sampling
Just like you did for Logistic Regression in Homework 1, we’ll learn the weight matrices W and


W iteratively by making a prediction and then using the difference between the model’s output and ground truth to update the model’s parameters. Normally, in SGD, you would update all the parameters after seeing each training instance. However, consider how many parameters we have to adjust: for one prediction, we would need to change |V |N weights—this is expensive to do! Mikolov et al. proposed a slightly different update rule to speed things up. Instead of updating all the weights, we update only a small percentage by updating the weights for the predictions of the words in context and then performing negative sampling to choose a few words at random as negative examples of words in the context (i.e., words that shouldn’t be predicted to be in the context) and updating the weights for these negative predictions.

Say we have the input word “fox” and observed context word “quick”. When training the network on the word pair (“fox”, “quick”), recall that the “label” or “correct output” of the network is a one-hot vector. That is, for the output neuron corresponding to “quick”, we get an output of 1 and for all of the other thousands of output neurons an output of 0.

With negative sampling, we are instead going to randomly select just a small number of negative words (lets say 5) to update the weights for. (In this context, a negative word is one for which we want the network to output a 0 for). We will also still update the weights for our positive word (which is the word quick in our current example).

The paper says that selecting 5-20 words works well for smaller datasets, and you can get away with only 2-5 words for large datasets. In this assignment, you will update with 2 negative words per context word. This means that if your context window C has four words, you will randomly sample 8 negative words. We recommend keeping the negative sampling rate at 2, but you’re welcome to try changing this and seeings its effect (we recommend doing this after you’ve completed the main assignment).

      4.1.1     Selecting Negative Samples

The “negative samples” (that is, the 8 output words that we’ll train to output 0) are chosen using a unigram distribution raised to the  power: Each word is given a weight equal to its frequency (word count) raised to the  power. The probability for a selecting a word is just its weight divided by the sum of weights for all words. The decision to raise the frequency to the  power is fairly empirical and this function was reported in their paper to outperform other ways of biasing the negative sampling towards infrequent words.

Computing this function for each sample is expensive, so one important implementation efficiency is to create a table so that we can quickly sample words. We’ve provided some notes in the code and your job will be to fill in a table that can be efficiently sampled.[7]

 Problem 1. Modify function negativeSampleTable to create the negative sampling table.

      4.1.2      Gradient Descent with Negative Sampling

Because we are limiting the updates to only a few samples in each iteration, the error function E (negative likelihood) for a single context word (positive sample) with K negative samples given by set Wneg is given as:

                                                      E = −logσ(vc0T∗ h) − X logσ(−vneg0T h)                                             (1)


where σ(x) is the sigmoid function, is the embedding of the positive context word wc∗ from


matrix W and theare the embeddings of each negative context word in the same matrix W . Then, similar to what we saw earlier with neural networks, we need to apply backpropagation to reduce this error. To compute the gradient descent for the error from the output layer to the hidden layer, we do the following update for all context words (positive and negative samples, that is, for all wj ∈ {wc∗} ∪ Wneg):


where if the term is a positive context word, tj = 0 if the term is a negative sampled word and vj(old) is the embedding of wj in W 0 before performing the update. Similarly, the update for the input-hidden matrix of weights will apply on a sum of updates as follows:

where wj represents the current positive context word and its negative samples. Recall that h here is the embedding of vI from matrix W. Hint: In your code, if a word wa has one-hot index given as wordcodes(wa), then va is simply W[wordcodes(wa)] and similarly  is simply


W [wordcodes(wa)].

The default learning rate is set to η = 0.05 but you can experiment around with other values to see how it affects your results. Your final submission should use the default rate. For more details on the expressions and/or the derivations used here, consult Rong’s paper [Rong, 2014], especially Equations 59 and 61.

 Problem 2. Modify function performDescent() to implement gradient descent. Note that above this function is the line: @jit(nopython=True). This can speed up the gradient descent by up to 3x but requires that your implementation uses a subset of data types and shouldn’t make function calls to other parts of your code (except sigmoid() because it has also been jit-compiled). You don’t have to use @jit and if this complicates your code too much, you can remove it.

4.2       Implement stop-word and rare-word removal
Using all the unique words in your source corpus is often not necessary, especially when considering words that convey very little semantic meaning like “the”, “of”, “we”. As a preprocessing step, it can be helpful to remove any instance of these so-called “stop words”.

      4.2.1    Stop-word removal.

Use the NLTK library in Python to remove stop-words after loading in your data file. If your installation of NLTK does not currently have the set of English stop-words, use the download manager to install it:

import nltk

Select the “Corpora” tab and install the corpus “stopwords”.

 Problem 3. Modify function loadData to remove stop-words from the source data input.

      4.2.2     Minimum frequency threshold.

In addition to removing words that are so frequent that they have little semantic value for comparison purposes, it is also often a good idea to remove words that are so infrequent that they are likely very unusual words or words that don’t occur often enough to get sufficient training during SGD. While the minimum frequency can vary depending on your source corpus and requirements, we will set mincount = 50 as the default in this assignment.

Instead of just removing words that had less than mincount occurrences, we will replace these all with a unique token <UNK. In the training phase, you will skip over any input word that is <UNK but you will still keep these as possible context words.

 Problem 4. Modify function loadData to convert all words with less than mincount occurrences into <UNK tokens. Modify function trainer to avoid cases where <UNK is the input token.

 Optional Problem Improve your loadData function so that it performs better UNKing like we talked about in class. For example words that should be an UNK that end in “ing” would be reported as the token “<UNKing” or those that end in “ly” would be reported as “<UNKly”. You are free to come up with your own rules here too. To see the effect, once you have this better function, compare the results before and after on the evaluation in Section 5.

5         Task 2: Save Your Outputs
Once you’ve finished running the code for a few iterations, save your vector outputs. The rest of the homework will use these vectors so you don’t have even re-run the learning code. Task 2 is here just so that you have an explicit reminder to save your vectors.

6         Task 3: Word Similarities
In Task 1, you built a program to learn word2vec embeddings from how a word is used in context and in Task 2, you saved those vectors so that we can use them. How can we tell whether what it’s learned is useful? In Task 3, we’ll begin evaluating the model by hand by looking at which words are most similar another word based on their vectors.

Here, we’ll compare words using the cosine similarity between their vectors. Cosine similarity measures the angle between two vectors and in our case, words that have similar vectors end up having similar (or at least related) meanings.

 Problem 5. Load the model (vectors) you saved in Task 2 by commenting out the trainvectors() line and uncommenting the loadmodel() line. Modify the file names in loadmodel() according to what you named them in Task 2.

 Problem 6. Write a function getneighbors(word) so that it takes one argument, the target word, and computes the top 10 most similar words based on the cosine similarity.

 Problem 7. Pick 10 target words and compute the most similar for each using your function. Record these in a file named prob7output.txt Qualitatively looking at the most similar words for each target word, do these predicted word seem to be semantically similar to the target word? Describe what you see in 2-3 sentences. Hint: For maximum effect, try picking words across a range of frequencies (common, occasional, rare words).

 Problem 8. Implement the analogy function and find five set of interesting word analogy with your word2vec model. For example, king - man + woman = queen. In other word, you can change the equation into queen - woman = king - man.( The vectors similarity between queen and women is equal to kind and man.

7         Task 4: Intrinsic Evaluation: Word Similarity
Task 3 should have proven to you that your model has learned something and in Task 4, we’ll formally test your model’s similarity judgments using a standard benchmark. Typically, in NLP we use word similarity benchmarks where human raters have judged how similar two words are on a scale, e.g., from 0 to 9. Words that are similar, e.g., “cat” and “kitten,” receive high scores, where as words that are dissimilar, e.g., “cat” and “algorithm,” receive low scores, even if they are topically related. In Task 4, we’ll use a subset of the SimLex-999 benchmark[8]. We’ve already reduced it down so that we’re only testing on the pairs that are in your model’s vocabulary.

 Problem 9. For each word pair in the intrinsic-test.csv file, create a new csv file containing their cosine similarity according to your model and the pair’s instance ID. Upload these predictions to the Kaggle task associated with intrinsic similarity. Your file should have the header “id,sim” where id is the pair’s ID from the intrinsic-test.csv file and sim your cosine similarity score for the pair of words with that ID.

We don’t expect high performance on this task since (1) the corpus you’re using is small, (2) you’re not required to train for lots of iterations, and (3) you’re not required to optimize much. However, you’re welcome to try doing any of these to improve your score! On canvas, we will post what is the expected range of similar scores so you can gauge whether your model is in the ballpark. Since everyone is using the same random seed, it’s expected that most models will have very similar scores unless people make other modifications to the code.

8         Optional Tasks
Word2vec has spawned many different extensions and variants. For anyone who wants to dig into the model more, we’ve included a few optional tasks here. Before attempting any of these tasks, please finish the rest of the homework and then save your code in a separate file so if anything goes wrong, you can still get full credit for your work. These optional tasks are intended entirely for educational purposes and no extra credit will be awarded for doing them.

8.1       Optional Task 1: Taking Word Order Into Account
Nearly all implementations of word2vec train their model without taking word order into ac-

0 count, i.e., they train only W . In this optional task, you will extend the model to take word order

0 into account by training separate W matrices for each relative position to the target word. Just note that this task will increase the memory requirements substantially. Once you’ve retrained the model, try exploring the lists of most-similar words for the words you used in Task 3 and comparing the lists with the regular word2vec model. Did adding ordering change anything? Similarly, if

0 you look at the most-similar words using the vector in each W , what are they capturing?

8.2       Optional Task 2: Phrase Detection
In your implementation word2vec simply iterates over each token one at a time. However, words can sometimes be a part of phrases whose meaning isn’t conveyed by the words individually. For example “White House” is a specific concept, which in NLP is an example of what’s called a multiword expression.[9] Mikolov et al. describe a way to automatically find these phrases as a preprocessing step to word2vec so that they get their own word vectors. In this optional task, you will implement their phrase detection as described in the “Learning Phrases” section of Mikolov et al. [2013].10

8.3       Optional Task 3: Word2Vec in downstream tasks
Task 4 should have shown you that your model has learned similarities that at least somewhat agree with human judgments. However, the ultimate test of word vectors is really whether they’re useful in practice in downstream tasks. In Task 5, you’ll implement a very basic sentiment analysis system using logistic regression from sklearn.[10]

When you built your logistic regression classifier in Homework 1, each word in a document was a feature. One downside to this text representation is that it doesn’t take into account that some words have similar meanings, which is especially problematic for out of vocabulary words; for example, if our training data only has “good” but not “awesome,” if we saw the word “awesome” in test, we would have to remove it since it’s out of vocabulary—even though it has a similar meaning.

One way to solve the problem of out of vocabulary words to create a text representation using the entire document from word vectors. This representation is actually easy to make: we simply compute the average word vector from all the words in our document.[11] This average vector becomes the input to logistic regression! So if you have word vectors with 50 dimensions, you have 50 features for logistic regression.

For Optional Task 3, you’ll use the same data as Homework 1 to construct your X matrix and y vector (with the ground truth labels), similar to how you did for Homework 1. However, this time, instead of using a sparse matrix of n×|V | sparse matrix, you’ll have a n×k matrix where k is the dimensions of your word vector. Each row in the matrix will be the average word vector for the words in the tweet.[12] While this can seem like an overly simplistic representation of the text, in practice, the average word vector is fairly effective at capturing regularities in how we discuss things.

You’ll then train the sklearn LogisticRegression classifier using X and y and then use the trained classifier to predict sentiment values for texts in the development data.[13] If anyone actually does this task, we can try to open up a separate Kaggle competition too!

8.4       Optional Task 4: Implement adjustable context window
The choice of context window length and indices can have a substantial impact on the quality of the learned embeddings. Usually, the context window will comprise of a certain number of words before the target word and the same number of words after the target. So a context window of length 4 might look like: [−2,−1,1,2]. For example, consider an input word wI=“good” which appears in the sentence: “the visuals were good but sound effects were not.” The context words for the above window would be w−2 = ‘visuals’,w−1 = ‘were’,w+1 = ‘but’,w+2 = ‘sound’.

 Train your model with this context window and the default parameters specified at the start. After every 10,000 iterations, store the cumulative negative log-likelihood (Equation 1), reset the cumulative value to 0 and repeat. Plot these results against iteration number.

Note: Whenever you train a model in the assignment, the program will output two binary files and If you plan to re-run your program with altered parameters (as in the next problem), make sure to create a backup of these two files as you will need to load these in later and as you’ve probably realized by now, training from scratch is very slow.

 Re-train your network using the context windows of C = [−4,−3,−2,−1] (the four words preceding the input word) and again on the window C = [1,2,3,4] (the four words after the input word). Repeat the analysis of Problem 5 with these context windows. What do you observe?

Yoav Goldberg and Omer Levy. word2vec explained: deriving mikolov et al.’s negative-sampling word-embedding method. arXiv preprint arXiv:1402.3722, 2014.

Tomas Mikolov, Ilya Sutskever, Kai Chen, Greg S Corrado, and Jeff Dean. Distributed representations of words and phrases and their compositionality. In Advances in neural information processing systems, pages 3111–3119, 2013.

Xin Rong. word2vec parameter learning explained. arXiv preprint arXiv:1411.2738, 2014.

[1] You’ll often just see the number of words in a vocabulary abbreviated as V in blog posts and papers. This notation is shorthand; typically V is somehow related to vocabulary so you can use your judgment on how to interpret whether it’s referring to the set of words or referring to the total number of words.
[2] Gensim provides some easy functionality that you can use: word2vec-tutorial/. Check out the parts on “Storing and loading models” and “Using the model” for how to load your data into their code.
[3] Typically, when describing a window around a word, we use negative indices to refer to words before the target, so a ±2 window around index i starts at i − 2 and ends at i + 2 but excludes index i. Thought exercise: Why do we exclude index i? (Hint: think about what happens to the prediction task if we include i)
[6] E.g.,
[7] Hint: In the slides, we showed how to sample from a multinomial (e.g., a dice with different weights per side) by turning it into a distribution that can be sampled by choosing a random number in [0,1]. You’ll be doing something similar here.
[9] 10

[11] In mathematical terms, we’re performing an element-wise average. For example, if we have two vectors of length 2, v1 = [2,6] and v2 = [1,2], we average each dimension; in this example, the average vector is then [1.5,4].
[12] Hint: you can construct your X matrix by using a regular python list of numpy arrays (i.e., your average word vectors) and then passing that np.array.
[13] For help in getting a basic sklearn classifier up and running see https://machinelearningmastery. com/get-your-hands-dirty-with-scikit-learn-now/, which shows how to train the classifier using an existing dataset. Note that for this task, you’ll need to write the parts that generate the data, but the overall training and prediction code is the same.

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