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Quantum - Week 9 - Solved


We will consider a generalization of Grover’s algorithm. Suppose that we are given the following.

•    A, a quantum circuit.

•    Basis vector |starti and quantum state |endi (i.e. norm 1) with A|starti = |endi.

•    |endi = |Ai + |Bi with hA | Bi = 0, hA | Ai = a, and hB | Bi = b = 1 − a.

Let us consider |Ai as consisting of a superposition of “correct” outcomes of algorithm A.

Upon measuring |endi, the probability of observing |Ai is a.

We assume that we have a basis (ψi)i∈I such that I = A∪B and a function χ : I → {0,1} such that χ(A) = 1 and χ(B) = 0. Define

|Ψ(α,β)i = α|Ai + β |Bi

and note that |Ψ(1,1)i = |endi. Define G = A ◦ Ds ◦ A† ◦ DA where DA is a reflection operator for |Ai and Ds is a reflection operator for |starti (use the phase shift eiθ for both).

1.                  Draw the circuits for both reflection operators and also write out the operators for them (e.g. D0 = (eiθ − 1)|0ih0| + I as in the usual Grover’s algorithm).

2.                  Calculate G |Ψ(1,1)i and write your answer in the form |Ψ(x,y)i for some x,y (you should specify their values).

3.                  Suppose that A works with probability 1/4 (i.e. a = 1/4). Show that taking θ = π (as in the usual Grover’s circuit) makes G ◦ A acting on |starti exact (i.e. it produces a correct answer with probability 1).

4.                  Show that when A works with probability 1/2 there is a choice of θ so that G ◦ A acting on |starti is exact. What is the value of eiθ in this case?


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