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COMP2550-Assignment 2:Tutorial Topic Specific Paper Review Solved

While assignment 1 was about going broad, this assignment is about going deep. For each tutorial, the tutors selected different papers and assigned one of them to you randomly. You can find the papers assigned to you on Wattle, under Tutorial Material, folder “Assignment 2”. Your tutor will email to you, which of the papers has been randomly assigned to you. 

Note: Short and precise answers are preferred. Answer in your own words. Please do not exceed around 250 words per question. 


Assignment Questions (15 marks) 


1.    Summarize the contributions and the approach of the paper. (2 marks) 

2.    How does it improve on the state of the art at the time of its publication? (2 marks) 

3.    How many citations has the paper received? List the two papers with most citations that have cited this paper. (1 mark) 

4.    What is the main result of the paper in your opinion? (1 mark) 

5.    What is the impact of the main result? Why is it important? (2 marks) 

6.    What is the general motivation of this work? (2 marks) 

7.    Are the contributions of this paper still considered state of the art today? Explain why or why not. (2 marks) 

8.    What could be the next steps to advance this research? (2 marks) 

9.    Regarding the way the paper is written, is there anything that is particularly hard to understand for you as a non-expert, and how could it be improved? (1 mark) 


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