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EECE1080-Lab 1 IDE, Compiling, Debugging, and C++ Program Development Practice Solved

The objective of this assignment is to install your IDE, and practice using it. You will create several short programming assignments to create a basic understanding of C++.


●       Make sure you have access to the zybook. See canopy for details on purchasing it.

●       Log into Please let the TA/instructor know you were able to log into this service.

●       Please access the laboratory assignment via the canopy/blackboard link. The descriptions for each problem are contained within the zybook assignment.

●       Download and Install your IDE. This may take a long time so please go ahead and start this early.

○ For Windows the free software version of Qt Creator is what you need. The installer can be downloaded from www.qt.i​          o please​          choose the open source version. You can download the online installer from this url: ified-windows-x86-3.0.6-online.exe


You do NOT need to create a Qt account when installing. Please use the dropdown arrows under the “Qt” menu and install mingw. You should install the latest 64-bit and/or 32-bit version of mingw. The 32-bit version is available under the “tools” menu. 

○ Or xcode from the Apple play store.

●       While your IDE is downloading/installing perform parts a, b, and c of the assignment in zybook.

●       Perform parts d, e, and f within your IDE and upload them to zybook for autograding.

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