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COL100 Assignment 3 -Solved

1 Maximum Number 
This question is the combination of if-else and the variables. Your task is to write a python program 
which takes 3 numbers as input and find the max among the 3 using if-else statements only. You can 
not use max function anywhere and data structures like arrays, lists. Finally print the maximum of the 
three.Your program should prompt the user to enter the three numbers, namely a, b and c respectively. 
Example 1: 
1 1 
2 2 
3 3 
1 3 
Here in this example we are provided with three numbers, a = 1, b = 2 and c = 3. So, maximum of the 
three numbers is 3 
Example 2: 
1 1 
2 -1.58 
3 -6 
1 1 
Example 3: 
1 1 
2 1 
3 0 
1 1 
Note: a, b, c can be any real number (i.e. need not only be integers). 
2 Modified Calculator 
Write a python program to perform the following binary operations on two integers a and b with given 
parameter p. 
This time you are given a parameter as well in the input and you have to perform appropriate 
operation according to the parameter. Parameter p can take values 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 only, where each 
number refer to the following binary operation: 
1. Addition 
2. Subtraction 
3. Multiplication 
4. Division 
5. Modulus 
Your program should prompt the user to enter the two numbers, namely a and b (You can assume that 
b = 0 
̸ ) and a parameter p and perform the operation according to the parameter. For e.g. if p = 1 then 
you have to print the addition of a and b i.e. a + b, if p = 2 then you have to print the subtraction of a 
and b i.e. a − b and so on. 
Example 1: 
21 2 
2 4 
3 1 
1 6 
Here in this example we are provided with three numbers, a = 2 and b = 4 and p = 1. So, from the list 
above 1 stands for addition. So, there addition will be a + b = 6. 
Example 2: 
1 2 
2 4 
3 2 
1 -2 
Example 3: 
1 2 
2 4 
3 3 
1 8 
Example 4: 
1 2 
2 4 
3 4 
1 0.5 
Example 5: 
1 2 
2 4 
3 5 
1 2 
Note: It is guaranteed that p will not take values other than 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Also, a and b are not 
necessarily integers, and can take any real value. 
3 Quadratic Equation Solver 
Write a python program to calculate the roots of a real quadratic polynomial. You may use the 
quadratic formula (Shri Dharacharya Formula) to solve this. 
Given to us a real quadratic polynomial p(x) = ax2 + bx + c where a, b, c ∈ R, a 
= 0
. The python 
program takes in the values of a, b and c respectively in its input and prints the two roots in the 
3standard output in x + iy (where i = √
−1) form, where x and y are space separated. Each root is in 
one line (printing order of the roots does not matter). Your program should prompt the user to enter 
the three numbers, namely a, b and c respectively. You are only allowed to use sqrt() function for result 
calculation apart from binary operator. 
Example 1: 
1 1 
2 2 
3 1 
1 -1 0 
2 -1 0 
Here in this example we are provided with three numbers, a = 1, b = 2 and c = 1. So, p(x) = x2 + 2x+ 1, 
hence the two roots are same and both are −1 + 0i. Also note how in both the roots, x and y i.e. the 
real and the imaginary part of each root is space separated; and there is a different line for each root. 
Example 2: 
1 1 
2 0 
3 1 
1 0 1 
2 0 -1 
p(x) = x2 + 1. Therefore, roots are ±i. 
Example 3: 
1 1 
2 2 
3 3 
1 -1 1.41 
2 -1 -1.41 
Note: a, b, c can take any real value. Space between real and imaginary part should be of 1 unit and 
both should follow output rule (given at top) individually. 
4 Check Palindrome 
Write a program to check whether a string is a palindrome or not. The string will be provided as input 
and you have to use if-else statements to check whether the string is a palindrome or not. A palindrome 
is a string which reads the same backward as forward. The string madam when spelt backwards is 
madam therefore is a palindrome however the string check when spelt backwards is kcehc which is not 
the same and is thus not a palindrome. 
4Your program should prompt the user to input a string. The length of the string will be less than 
or equal to 4 and length will not be provided, you can use the function len(str) to find the same. You 
cannot use loops, in-built string functions or the slice statement str[:: −1] to solve this problem. You 
are only allowed to use the len() function, if-else statements and string indexing. 
The output will be 
"NO" if the string is not a palindrome and "YES" if the string is a palindrome. 
Note: The output must be in capital letters only. The input can contain numbers, letters and 
special characters. Capital and small letters are considered as different i.e. "a" and "A" are not the same. 
Example 1: 
1 loop 
1 NO 
The string loop when spelt backwards reads as pool which is not the same as loop and is thus not a 
Example 2: 
1 aba 
1 YES 
The string aba when spelt backwards reads as aba which is the same and is a palindrome. 
Example 3: 
1 a,b 
1 NO 
The string a,b when spelt backwards reads as b,a which is not the same as a,b and is thus not a 
Example 4: 
1 atta 
1 YES 
The string atta when spelt backwards reads as atta which is the same as forwards. 
Example 5: 
51 Aa 
1 NO 
The string forwards is Aa and backwards is aA, as both are different it is not a palindrome. 

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