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ECE650-Project 5 Rootkit Solved

In this assignment, you will implement a portion of Rootkit functionality to gain:

1.     Hands-on practice with kernel programming

2.     A detailed understanding of the operation of system calls within the kernel

3.     Practice with fork/exec to launch child processes

4.     An understanding of the types of malicious activities that attackers may attempt against a system (particularly against privileged systems programs).

Our assumption will be that via a successful exploit of a vulnerability, you have gained the ability to execute privileged code in the system. Your “attack” code will be represented by a small program that you will write, which will (among a few other things, described below) load a kernel module that will conceal the presence of your attack program as well as some of its malicious activities. The specific functionality required of the attack program and kernel module (as well as helpful hints about implementing this functionality) are described next.

Tips on Working with the Virtual Machine
When you create your virtual machine and log-in for the first time, you will notice there may be few programs installed (e.g. no gcc, emacs, vim, etc.). You can download your choice of software easily using the command: sudo apt-get install <package name.  For example:

sudo apt install build-essential emacs

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