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CSE451 Setup Git and Files on Ceclnx01 and Openstack Solved

1.  Setup your openstack instance and do the steps of updating apt, install lamp via tasksel, and adding my public key to the instance.

2.  Create a git repository called cse451-UID-web.

1.  Add me (campbest) as a developer

3.  Clone a copy of this to ceclnx01 in the public_html directory

4.  Clone a copy of your repository to your openstack instances in the /var/www/html directory.

5.  In your working directory create a directory called "Introduction" and make sure these files are in both working copies on ceclnx01 and your openstack instance.

6.  In the directory Introduction:

1.  Create a file called 451-a.html

2.  It should have multiple div sections. In the first div section place your name, picture, major and a brief bio about you. Well formatted so it looks nice.

3.  In the second div section have a link to the following two files on both ceclnx01 and on your openstack instance. So you will have 4 total links.

7.  Create a file called 451-b.html.

1.  This file should have three DIV sections with a different Picture in Each Div.

1.  The first picture should be locally stored

2.  The second picture should be locally stored 3. The third picture should not be locally stored.

4. Each picture should have a caption.

8.  Create a page called 451-c.html

There should be 3 links on this page to OTHER web sites of interest

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