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CSCI3753 Assignment 1 - Part A Solution

Programming Assignment One - Part A
Welcome to the first programming assignment for CSCI 3753 - Operating Systems. In this assignment we will go over how to compile and install a modern Linux kernel, as well as how to add a couple of custom system calls. Most importantly, you will gain experience in setting up an environment that you will use for future assignments.
You will need the following software: Cloud VM
All other software and files should be installed on this virtual machine image. It is important that you do not upgrade the virtual machine image as all the assignments are designed and written using the software versions that the VM is distributed with. Also make note that this assignment will require you to re-compile the kernel at least twice, and you can expect the initial compilation to take up 4 hours on older machines.
The steps you need to complete this assignment include:
Configuring GRUB
Downloading Linux source code
Compiling the kernel
Adding a system call
Writing a test program

Configuring GRUB
GRUB is the boot loader installed with Ubuntu 16.04. It provides configuration options to boot from a list of different kernels available on the machine. By default Ubuntu 16.04 suppresses much of the boot process from users; as a result, we will need to update our GRUB configuration to allow booting from multiple kernel versions and to recover from a corrupt installation. Perform the following:
From the command line, edit the GRUB configuration file

Feel free to use a different editor, if necessary. Make sure following lines are commented out in the configuration file

Exit the editor and make sure to save your updates
From the command line, update GRUB and then reboot:

After rebooting your virtual machine, verify that you see a boot menu similar to Figure 1 (You might need to click first on Advanced options for Ubuntu to get to this screen):

Figure 1: Linux GRUB Boot Menu

Once you've verified that you can run alternate versions of the kernel through grub, you're ready to move on to the next step.

Downloading Linux source code
First, you have to create a directory where you'll do the actual recompilation. To do so, execute the following commands in a terminal window:

Before we can download the source files for the kernel, we need to enable the appropriate Ubuntu repositories:

Make sure the following lines are not commented out:
deb-src xenial main restricted deb-src xenial-updates main restricted
Once the source code repositories are enabled, run an apt update and retrieve the source code:

Compiling the Kernel
Once you have the Linux source code, but before you add your new system call, make sure you can compile the kernel. Typically it takes a long time to compile the kernel the first time. To make subsequent compiles run quicker, install the tool ccache:

ccache ( is a compiler cache. It is used to speed up recompilation by caching previous results and detecting when the same compilation is being run again. The first compilation will take the usual time, but any recompilations will be much faster if you install ccache first.
The next step is to create the config file for your kernel build. Make sure you run this command in your recently created kernel source directory:

The command uname –r gives you the current version of the kernel you are using. This ensures you are compiling the kernel source for the same version of the kernel you're currently running on. The command uname –a will give you the system architecture information (for example if your OS is 32 or 64 bit).
In this same directory, now execute the command:

You can navigate the configuration utility with the tab and arrow keys. Select the General setup option (Figure 2) and then select append to kernel release (Figure 3). Enter the name of the kernel you will be compiling (-rev1, for this assignment). This name will appear on the grub menu when you reboot. Exit out of the menuconfig utility by selecting <Exit>, possibly multiple times. Make sure you answer <Yes> when it asks if you want to save your changes.

Figure 2: Configuring the kernel build with menuconfig

Figure 3: Configuring the kernel build with menuconfig

Now compile and install the kernel by running the following commands. Remember, these steps could take a long time, so check that your computer doesn't go to sleep in the middle of building your new kernel.

Once you've compiled and installed your new kernel, reboot your VM:

When the GRUB option menu appears, select the version with your new kernel name appended. If you can boot into your newly compiled kernel, you're ready to move onto the next part of the assignment.

Adding a system call
In this part of the assignment, you will add a new system call, recompile the source and then run the new kernel with the added system call. To do this go to the directory where you downloaded the linux kernel source, /home/kernel/linux-hwe-4.15.0.
Step 1:
Create the file ./arch/x86/kernel/helloworld.c and insert the following code:

Some notes on the above code:
The kernel.h header file contains many of the constants and functions used in kernel programming.
The linkage.h header file defines macros that are used to keep the stack safe and ordered.
The asmlinkage keyword tells the compiler that the function should not expect to find any of its arguments in registers (a common optimization), but only on the CPU's stack. It is defined in the linkage.h header file.
We have named our function sys_helloworld() because, by convention, all system call names start with the sys_ prefix.

Step 2:
Now we have to tell the build system about our kernel call. Edit the file ./arch/x86/kernel/Makefile. Inside you will see a host of lines that begin with obj+=. After the end of the definition list, add the following line (do not place it inside any special control statements in the file):

Step 3:
Now you have to add that system call in the system table of the kernel. Edit
./arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl. Look at the file and reference the existing entries to add the new system call. Make sure it is added in the 64 bit system call section and remember the system call number as you will be using that later.

Step 4:
Now you will add the new system call in the system call header file. Edit ./include/linux/syscalls.h and add the prototype of your system call at the end of the file before the endif statement.

Step 5:
Now recompile, install and boot into the modified kernel using the same commands we executed earlier:

Even with ccache, this can take awhile. Increasing the -j parameter to 4 can sometimes speedup the compilation, but it's best not to go to more than ~2 times the number of CPUs allocated to your VM.

Writing a test program
Now that you have recompiled and rebooted into your modified kernel, you should be able to use the new system call. Write a test program in C (check the manpage for syscall() or use google) to see how to call a system call and what header files and arguments to use. The first argument a system call takes is the system call number we talked about before. If everything succeeds, a system call returns 0, otherwise it returns -1. Execute sudo tail /var/log/syslog or dmesg to check for the output.

We'll also confirm the operation of your new kernel and system call by looking at your Cloud VM.

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