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a Java application that determines the change to be dispensed from a vending machine.

All of the java classes should be placed in a package named edu.iltu.itk275.assignment2.. The class should be submitted as an attachment to this assignment. They may be submitted individually or placed into a single archive (.zip) file. Write a Java application that determines the change to be dispensed from a vending machine. An item in the machine can cost between 25 cents and 1 dollar in 5 cent increments (25, 30, 35, … 90, 95, 100) and the machine accepts only a single dollar bill to pay for the item. For example, a possible sample dialog might be the following: Enter item name `Pretzels` Enter the price for `Pretzels` `45` You bought `Pretzels` for `45` cents and submitted a dollar, so our change is 2 Quarters 0 Dimes 1 Nickels

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