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Promineo Week 14 Coding Assignment -Solved

Coding Steps: 
1) In the project you started last week, use Lombok to add an info-level logging statement in the 
controller implementation method that logs the parameters that were input to the method. 
Remember to add the @Slf4j annotation to the class. 
2) Start the application (not an integration test). Use a browser to navigate to the application 
passing the parameters required for your selected operation. (A browser, used in this manner, 
sends an HTTP GET request to the server.) In your video, show the browser navigation bar 
and the log statement that is in the IDE console showing that the controller method was 
reached (as in the video). 
3) With the application still running, use the browser to navigate to the OpenAPI 
documentation. Use the OpenAPI documentation to send a GET request to the server with a 
valid model and trim level. (You can get the model and trim from the provided data.sql 
file.) In your video, show the curl command, the request URL, and the response headers. 
4) Run the integration test and show that the test status is green. In your video, show the test 
class and the status bar.Web API Design with Spring Boot Week 14 Coding Assignment 
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5) Add a method to the test to return a list of expected Jeep (model) objects based on the model 
and trim level you selected. You can get the expected list of Jeeps from the file 
src/test/resources/ flyway/migrations/V1.1__Jeep_Data.sql. So, for example, using the model 
Wrangler and trim level "Sport", the query should return two rows: 
Row 1 
Row 2 
Model ID 
Trim Level 
Num Doors 

Wheel Size 
Base Price 
$28,475.00 $31,975.00 
The method should be named buildExpected(), and it should return a List of Jeep. The 
video put this method into a support superclass but you can include it in the main test class if 
you want. 
7) Write an AssertJ assertion in the test to assert that the actual list of jeeps returned by the 
server is the same as the expected list. Run the test. Demonstrate in your video the… 
a) The test with the assertion. 
b) The JUnit status bar (should be red). 
c) The method returning the expected list of Jeeps.Web API Design with Spring Boot Week 14 Coding Assignment 
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8) Add a service layer in your application as shown in the videos: 
a) Add a package named 
b) In the new package, create an interface named JeepSalesService. 
c) In the same package (service), create a class named DefaultJeepSalesService that 
implements the JeepSalesService interface. Add the class-level annotation, @Service. 
d) Inject the service interface into DefaultJeepSalesController using the @Autowired 
annotation. The instance variable should be private, and the variable should be named 
e) Define the fetchJeeps method in the interface. Implement the method in the service 
class. Call the method from the controller (make sure the controller returns the list of 
Jeeps returned by the service method). The method signature looks like this: 
List<Jeep> fetchJeeps(JeepModel model, String trim); 
f) Add a Lombok info-level log statement in the service implementation showing that the 
service was called. Print the parameters passed to the method. Let the method return null 
for now. 
g) Run the test again. In your video, show your service class implementation, as well as the 
log line in the console. 
9) Add the database dependencies described in the video to the POM file (MySQL driver and 
Spring Boot Starter JDBC). To find them, nagivate to Search for 
mysql-connector-j and spring-boot-starter-jdbc. In the POM file you don't need version 
numbers for either dependency because the version is included in the Spring Boot Starter 
10) Create application.yaml in src/main/resources. Add the spring.datasource.url, 
spring.datasource.username, and spring.datasource.password properties to 
application.yaml. The url should be the same as shown in the video 
(jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/jeep). The password and username should match your setup. 
If you created the database under your root user, the username is "root", and the password isWeb API Design with Spring Boot Week 14 Coding Assignment 
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the root user password. If you created a "jeep" user or other user, use the correct username 
and password. 
Be careful with the indentation! YAML allows hierarchical configuration but it reads the 
hierarchy based on the indentation level. The keyword "spring" MUST start in the first 
column. It should look similar to this when done: 
 username: username 
 password: password 
 url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/jeep 
11) Start the application (the real application, not the test). In your video, show your finished 
application.yaml and the console showing that the application has started with no errors. 
12) Add the H2 database as dependency. Search for the dependency in the Maven repository like 
you did above. Search for "h2" and pick the latest version. Again, you don't need the version 
number, but the scope should be set to "test". 
13) Create application-test.yaml in src/test/resources. Add the setting 
spring.datasource.url that points to the H2 database. It should look like this: 
 url: jdbc:h2:mem:jeep;mode=MYSQL 
You do not need to set the username and password because the in-memory H2 database does 
not require them. 
In your video, show your finished application-test.yaml.

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