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WebGl-Interactive Graphics: Homework 1 Solved

Start by creating your own repository in the GitHub Classroom of the course by clicking on this link, please enter the email you used to register in Piazza. If you are not registered in Piazza please register and then post a message on Piazza with your email saying you cannot register in GitHub Classroom. After registering in GitHub Classroom, start by cloning or downloading this repository which contains the files needed for the homework. Please

You need to modify the files so to obtain the following effects.

Add the viewer position (your choice), a projection (your choice) and compute the ModelView and Projection matrices in the Javascript application. The viewer position and viewing volume should be controllable with buttons, sliders or menus.
Include a scaling (uniform, all parameters have the same value) and a translation Matrix and control them with sliders.
Define an orthographic projection with the planes near and far controlled by sliders.
Split the window vertically into two parts. One shows the ortographic projection defined above, the second uses a perspective projection. The slider for near and far should work for both projections. Points 5 to 7 use the splitted window with two different projections
Introduce a light source, replace the colors by the properties of the material (your choice) and assign to each vertex a normal.
Implement both the Gouraud and the Phong shading models, with a button switching between them.
Add a procedural texture (your choice) on each face, with the pixel color a combination of the color computed using the lighting model and the texture

Describe your solution in a short PDF document (2-3 pages) describing the techniques used, the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed solution and the features of your solution. 


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