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WEB422 Assignment 5 Solution

For this assignment, we will continue our development effort from Assignment 4.

Note: If you require a working version of assignment 4 to continue with this assignment, please email your professor.

The main shift in this assignment will be to leverage services in Angular to enable our app to fetch real data from the Spotify Web API. Once this app is complete, users should be able to search for an artist, view related albums and song titles, add songs to a "favourites" list, as well as play small audio snippets if audio samples are available.
Sample Solution:

Even More Modules Added to app.module.ts
Before we start development on this assignment, a good first step will be to add the required modules to app.module.ts. Fortunately, it's not as many as last time - just the following three:

• import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';
• import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
• import { MatSnackBarModule } from '@angular/material/snack-bar';
NOTE: Do not forget to add the Modules to the "imports" array in the @NgModule decorator after importing them
Creating a Spotify Account & Obtaining Credentials
Since we will be working with real data from the Spotify Web API, we must first register an account with Spotify, create an "App" and obtain user credentials in the form of a "Client ID" and "Client Secret".

• First, navigate to: and create an account
• When you have a user account, go to the Dashboard page at the Spotify Developer website and, if necessary, log in. Accept the latest Developer Terms of Service to complete your account set up.
• From your dashboard, locate the green "Create an App" button and click it to create a new app by entering a Name, Description, and accepting the rules / terms of service before clicking "CREATE"
• Once you click "Create", you will be taken to your app's dashboard.
• Record the Client ID value somewhere (ie: in notepad / textEdit for now)
• Click "Show Client Secret" and record the Client Secret value somewhere (ie: in notepad / textEdit for now)
• Congratulations You have now obtained all of the authentication information (Client ID & Client Secret) required to connect to the Spotify API. We will be entering these values in a custom service (added later in the assignment).

Adding Services
With our newly obtained client information handy, we can now proceed to add services to our App that will allow us to connect to Spotify. This process involves authenticating your app and obtaining a "Bearer" token prior to making a request, in order to prove that you are indeed permitted to access the data.

To make this process as straightforward as possible, we have included boilerplate code for both of the services that will be required for this application:

Spotify Token Service

• In the terminal, execute the command "ng g s SpotifyToken" to create a spotify-token-service.ts file
• Copy the boilerplate code from here:
• In order for the code in SpotifyTokenService to access your "clientID" and "clientSecret" values, you must update two separate "environment" files, ie: src/environments/ and
src/environments/environment.ts – open each of these files now and add your "Client ID" and "Client Secret" as string properties in the "environment" object, ie:

export const environment = {
clientID: "Enter your App's CLIENT ID Value Here",
clientSecret: "Enter your App's CLIENT SECRET Value Here"
Music Data Service

• In the terminal, execute the command "ng g s MusicData" to create a music-data-service.ts file
• Copy the boilerplate code from here:
• You will notice that we have provided you with a single working method: getNewReleases() which will return an Observable<any> that can be subscribed to in order to pull all of the new releases from the New Releases endpoint.

For the inner "get" request to be successful, it must provide an "Authentication" header consisting of the value
"Bearer token", where token is first obtained by invoking the getBearerToken() method of the SpotifyTokenService.

NOTE: This is true for any requests to in our application.

Music Data Service (Full Specification)

With the boilerplate code in place, we now have a working example of how requests can be written to interact with Spotify using the HttpClient service by first obtaining a "Bearer" token from the SpotifyTokenService.

Please keep this in mind as you read / implement code from the following specification for the Music Data Service.


• favouritesList – type: Array<any>, default value: []


• getNewReleases()

(already complete).
• getArtistById(id)

Returns an Observable<any> obtained by making a GET request to the Spotify endpoint: "", where id is the value of the "id" parameter.
• getAlbumsByArtistId(id)

Returns an Observable<any> obtained by making a GET request to the Spotify endpoint:
"", where id is the value of the "id" parameter. Also, in order to maximize the amount of relevant results returned by Spotify, add the following additional query parameters:

o include_groups=album,single o limit=50
• getAlbumById(id)

Returns an Observable<any> obtained by making a GET request to the Spotify endpoint: "", where id is the value of the "id" parameter.

• searchArtists(searchString)

Returns an Observable<any> obtained by making a GET request to the Spotify endpoint: "", with the following query parameters:
o q=searchString – where searchString is the value of the "searchString" parameter o type=artist
o limit=50

• addToFavourites(id)

This method is used to add the value of the id parameter to the favouritesList array property.

However, if the value of id is null / undefined or the number of items in the favouritesList is greater than or equal to 50, then the value of id is not added to the favouritesList and false is returned, indicating that the operation was a failure

If the value of id was able to be pushed to the favouritesList, true is returned, indicating that the operation was a success
• removeFromFavourites(id)

Used to remove the value of the id parameter from the favouritesList array property and to subsequently return an Observable<any> obtained by invoking the getFavourites() method defined below, ie: "return this.getFavourites()".

HINT: Elements can be searched for and removed from an array using a combination of Array.indexOf() and Array.splice()
• getFavourites()

This method first checks to see if the length of the favouritesList array property is greater than 0 and if it is, it:
o Returns an Observable<any> obtained by making a GET request to the Spotify endpoint: "", with the following query parameter:
▪ ids=favouritesList Items – the favouritesList items value is a comma-separated list of the items in your favouritesList array property. This can be obtained by invoking Array.join() on favouritesList
If the length of the favouritesList array property is less than or equal to 0, it:
o Returns an Observable<any> that broadcasts an empty array immediately to any subscribers, ie: ▪ return new Observable(o=>{[])});

Existing Component Updates
For our application to work properly and render live data (instead of static data), we must update our existing components to use the methods defined above in our Music Data Service.

NOTE: Do not forget to "unsubscribe" to your Observable subscriptions, where appropriate.


To render new releases, the NewReleasesComponent class (new-releases.component.ts) needs to be updated according to the following specification:

To ensure that the template (new-releases.component.html) performs as expected, the following links need to be updated:

• routerLink="/album" - Must now link to "/album/id" where id is the "id" value of the current "release", ie: ""
• routerLink="/artist" – Must now link to "/artist/id" where id is the "id" value of the current "artist", ie: ""


To render the discography for a specific artist, the first thing that must be done is to update the "path" value for its route (defined in the "Routes" array in the app-routing.module.ts)

• path: 'artist' - must be modified to accept the route parameter "id"

Next, the ArtistDiscographyComponent class (artist-discography.component.ts) needs to be updated according to the following specification:

• When the component is initialized, it must subscribe to the params (Observable) property from the ActivatedRoute service, in order to obtain the current value of the "id" parameter

IMPORTANT NOTE: Spotify will occasionally return multiple duplicate albums (ie: albums with the exact same
name, sometimes with a different case) for a specific artist, so it's important to filter the result's .items property (ie: data.items) before assigning it to the albums property. HINT: The Array.filter() method can provide one potential solution for filtering duplicates out of data.items before assigning it to the "albums" property.

Finally, To ensure that the template (artist-discography.component.html) performs as expected, the following link needs to be updated:

• routerLink="/album" - Must now link to "/album/id" where id is the "id" value of the current "album", ie:


To render information and tracks for a specific album, we must also make a small update to the "path" value for its route (defined in the "Routes" array in the app-routing.module.ts)

• path: 'album' - must be modified to accept the route parameter "id"

Next, the AlbumComponent class (album.component.ts) needs to be updated according to the following specification:

• Add the following "import" statement: import { MatSnackBar } from '@angular/material/snack-bar'; as well as inject the "MatSnackBar" service in the constructor. This will allow us to display a short confirmation message to the user using the Snackbar from Angular Material
• When the component is initialized, it must subscribe to the params (Observable) property from the ActivatedRoute service, in order to obtain the current value of the "id" parameter
• Once the "id" parameter value is obtained, It must invoke the getAlbumById(id) method of the
MusicDataService (where id is the value of the "id" parameter) and subscribe to the returned Observable.
• This component also requires an additional method: addToFavourites(trackID), written according to the following specification:

o Invokes the addToFavourites(id) method of the MusicDataService (where id is the value of the "trackID" parameter passed to the function o If the addToFavourites(id) method returns true, the following action must be performed:
▪ Invoke the "open" method of the MatSnackBar Service to show a confirmation message to the user, ie:"Adding to Favourites...", "Done", { duration: 1500 });

Next, to ensure that the template (album.component.html) performs as expected, we need to make the following changes:

• Add some text beneath the Album name at the top to instruct users to "Click the icon to add a song to your favourites list" where icon can be obtained using the html: "<mat-icon mat-list-icon>queue_music</mat-icon>"
• routerLink="/artist" – Must now link to "/artist/id" where id is the "id" value of the current "artist", ie: ""
• The Music Icon (ie: "<mat-icon mat-list-icon>queue_music</mat-icon>" within the track listing must respond to a "click" event that invokes the function addToFavourites(id) where id is the "id" value of the current "track", ie: ""

<div *ngIf="track.preview_url"><br /><audio controls [src]="track.preview_url"></audio></div>

Beneath the information for a specific "track"

Finally, to visually reinforce the idea that users can click on the "queue_music" icon to add a specific track to their favourites, the following code should be added to the css for the template (album.component.css)

• .mat-list-item .mat-icon:hover{ cursor: pointer; }

Development Checkpoint

At this point, if you run your app it should work exactly as before only with live data from Spotify! If it's not working as expected, please go back and review your code and above instructions.

Once you're happy with your progress, you can proceed to add the code for the remaining two components: FavouritesComponent and SearchResultsComponent.


Let's start with the SearchResultComponent. To begin, create this component in the command prompt using the usual command. Once you have the created the files, you need to add a new entry to the Routes array in your app-routing.module.ts file, ie:

• path: "search", component: SearchResultComponent

Next, open up search-result.component.ts and add the following properties:

• results – type: any
• searchQuery – type: any

The following code must also be executed when the component is initialized

• It must subscribe to the queryParams (Observable) property from the ActivatedRoute service, in order to obtain the current value of the "q" query parameter
• Once the "q" query parameter value is obtained, It must invoke the searchArtists(searchString) method of the MusicDataService (where searchString is the value of the "q" query parameter) and subscribe to the returned Observable. When the Observable successfully broadcasts the result, the artists.items property (ie:

IMPORTANT NOTE: Spotify will occasionally return "empty" artists (ie: artists without any image / information provided), so it's important to filter the result's .artist.items property (ie: data.artist.items) before assigning it to the results property. HINT: The Array.filter() method can provide one potential solution for filtering .artist.items so that only results that have an "images" array property with length greater than 0 will be added to the results property in the component.
With our class complete, we can now concentrate on completing the template (searchresult.component.html)

To begin, you can grab the boilerplate starter template from here (or create your own):

Be sure to update the component to render:

• The searchQuery in the header
• One result "card' per "result" (Artist)
• The Artist's Name
• The image for the Artist
• routerLink="/artist" – Must now link to "/artist/id" where id is the "id" value of the current "result", ie: ""
• The total followers for the Artist
• The popularity of the Artist


The final component that we will be creating in this assignment is the FavouritesComponent. To begin, create this component in the command prompt using the usual command. Once you have the created the files, you need to add a new entry to the Routes array in your app-routing.module.ts file, ie:

• path: "favourites", component: FavouritesComponent

Next, open up favourites.component.ts and add the following property:

• favourites – type: Array<any>

The following code must also be executed when the component is initialized

We must also add the following method to our class to handle "click" events, ie:

• removeFromFavourites(id)

With our class complete, we can now concentrate on completing the template (favourites.component.html)

To begin, you can grab the boilerplate starter template from here (or create your own):

Be sure to update the component to render:

• One "favourite" card per "favourites" (track)
• The Music Icon (ie: "<mat-icon mat-list-icon>queue_music</mat-icon>" within the track listing must respond to a "click" event that invokes the function removeFromFavourites(id) where id is the "id" value of the current "track", ie: ""
• The track's name
• The track's duration
• One or more artists (track.artists), making sure to show the artist's name ( as well as update:
o routerLink="/artist" – to "/artist/id" where id is the "id" value of the current "artist", ie: ""
• The album name (ie:
• routerLink="/album" - Must now link to "/album/id" where id is the "id" value of the current "album", ie:

Finally, we will make the same update to favourites.component.css that we did to album.component.css, ie:

• .mat-list-item .mat-icon:hover{ cursor: pointer; }
This will help to visually reinforce the idea that users can click on the "queue_music" icon to remove a specific track from their favourites

Final Updates / Touches
The app should almost be functioning properly now, except for a few items, such as the "Search" not functioning as well as the "Favourites" link in the sidebar not linking to anything and a now redundant "data" folder in our solution. This last section will address these issues and help to complete the assignment.


Let's begin by getting the "Search" functioning properly. This will require some updates to our
AppComponent, as well as a small usability tweak to index.html. Let's begin with the AppComponent class

Add the following property:

• searchString – type: string

Next, add the following method:

• handleSearch()

This function must programmatically navigate to the "/search" route with the "searchString" as its "q" query parameter. HINT: This can be accomplished using the "Router" service from "@angular/router" – see the "Linking to routes with query parameters" section of the Week 8 Notes for additional guidance.

Additionally, this method should also clear the value of searchString by setting it to "". This will save the user from having to delete their previous query before making a 2nd search.

With the updates to the AppComponent class complete, we must now move on to the template (app.component.html)

• Modify the <input matInput type="text"> element to function as an actual form, ie:

<form (ngSubmit)='handleSearch()'><input matInput type="text" name="searchString" [(ngModel)]='searchString'></form>
• Update the <a mat-list-item routerLinkActive="active"> element surrounding the "Favourites" link in the sidebar to correctly link to the "/favourites" route


In order to prevent mobile browsers from zooming in on the search field in the sidebar when entering data, update:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

To include a maximum-scale of 1, ie:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">

Removing the "data" folder

The final task is to remove the (now redundant) "data" folder and its contents (the 4 .json files) from our solution. NOTE: Ensure you also remove any references to the "data" folder in your components, ie: "import * as data from '../data/SearchResultsAlbum.json';", etc.

Assignment Submission:
• Add the following declaration at the top of your app.component.ts file:
/********************************************************************************* * WEB422 – Assignment 05
• Compress (.zip) the all files in your Visual Studio code folder EXCEPT the node_modules folder (this will just make your submission unnecessarily large, and all your module dependencies should be in your package.json file anyway).
Important Note:
• Submitted assignments must run locally, ie: start up errors causing the assignment/app to fail on startup will result in a grade of zero (0) for the assignment.

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