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WEB322-Assignment 2 Solved

This assignment is a continuation of Assignment 1 thus all the requirements for this assignment is to be made “on top” of your assignment 1.


Note, no database connectivity is required for Assignment 2.



All back-end functionality MUST be done using Node JS and Express.

Your views MUST be created with Express-Handlebars


Responsive Design

Ensure that your entire website renders well on a variety of devices, specifically on desktops, tablets, and smartphones. To accomplish this, you will need to use Bootstrap in your project.


Server-Side Validation

You are required to implement Server-Side validation for both the login and registration form. NO HTML5 VALIDATION OR CLIENT-SIDE JS VALIDATION IS ALLOWED
For the login form, you are required to ONLY check for nulls (i.e. check to see if the user entered a value in the respective text fields). However, for the registration form, you have to check for nulls AND implement at least 2 complex validation criteria using regular expressions on two separate fields(For example, enforcing that the user must enter a password that is 6 to 12 characters and the password must have letters and numbers only) .
Your form should not clear the data entered in the form if there are validation errors.
All error messages must be rendered on their respective pages or areas and must be styled properly, like Figure 1.1

Figure 1.1


User Registration Form (Sending Emails)

When a user fills out the registration form and then hits the submit button, provided that all the validation criteria were not violated, your website must then send a welcome email message to the user’s email address and then redirect the user to a dashboard page. For now, the dashboard page should contain information welcoming the user and should be properly styled.



Git, GitHub and Heroku

Your web application must be pushed to a remote GitHub or Bitbucket repository on your account. Please note that you must set your remote repository to private and then add me as a collaborator so I can view your web application. Lastly, you are required to deploy the working web application to Heroku.

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