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WEB306 Assignment #3 - Laravel Written Answers Solution

Instructions: You will be writing an explanatory document in the form of a Laravel app with a single route and Blade template, which answers the following questions:
1. What are static properties and methods and how are they used? What is a static class?
2. What is a namespace and what is it used for?
3. What is Laravel and what is it used for?
4. What is Composer and what is it used for in relation to PHP and Laravel specifically?
5. Explain the MVC paradigm, identify and describe each of its three major concepts and explain how each relates to Laravel.

Your answers should be passed from your Laravel app’s route to the view so that they can be displayed using variables in the Blade template. You are not required to loop through the answers but try to challenge yourself to store the answers in an array and loop through them using a Blade loop.

Grading breakdown:
• Accuracy, clarity and completeness of written answers and comparisons (50%)
• Inclusion of and quality of sources used (10%)
• Use of PHP, Laravel and routes (15%)
• Use of HTML and Blade templates (15%)
Your files should contain only valid (as determined by the W3C validator) HTML code. You can use invalid code in the HTML but if you do, you must include a comment beside the invalid code explaining your decision. To properly validate your HTML in your PHP files, you MUST do a “view source” of the page in a web browser. The W3C validator does not understand PHP code. You will lose 2% per type of uncommented validation error. You should not have any PHP or Laravel errors. You will lose 2% per PHP or Laravel error which could have been fixed.
Late Policy
All late assignments will be given a grade of zero.

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