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Web_Technology - Week 6 Exercise -Solved

Introduction to Web Technology 


Lab Programming


Question 1. On the website, display four text fields for the user to enter four subjects. When the user clicks the button “Show selection”, display the four subjects the user has selected as illustrated in the following example.




Question 2. On the website, display the following:​ 


The user can enter two numbers in the first two text fields. Then select the operation (either +​      for addition, -​      for subtraction, or x​   for multiplication). Then enter the answer in the third text field. When the user clicks the “Check” button, display the result as illustrated in the following examples:




Page 1 of 2 

Question 3. On the webpage, display a button “Increase counter” and display the number 0 as a counter. When the user clicks the button, increase the counter by 1 and display the updated counter on the webpage.




Question 4. On the website, display two buttons and a counter as follows.​ 



When the user clicks on the start animation button, increase the counter by 1 for every second.

When the user clicks the stop animation button, stop the counter increasing.

Write your code so that the user can click the start animation button many times and only one animation is running at any given time. 




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