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Web_Technology - Week 10 Exercise - Solved

Introduction to Web Technology 


Lab Programming 


Question 1. This is the content of a JSON file which contains several errors.​ 


  "firstName": "John", 

  "lastName": "Smith", 



      "code": "MATH101", 





      "title":"C programming" 

    }   ],   age: 23 


Your task is to identify these errors and correct them.

Save your correct JSON code into a file called Question1.json.



Question 2. Write a JSON document called Question2.json that represents the following student record: 





Page 1 of 2 


Question 3. Create a web page Question3.html that looks like the following:​ 


When the user clicks the button, read the information entered by the user and construct a subject object. Construct the JSON of the object and display it in the text area.  

The program does not need to handle user input error.



Question 4. Create a web page Question4.html that looks like the following:​ 


Copy and paste the JSON from Question 3 into the text area. When the button is clicked, read the JSON in the text area and construct a subject object. Extract the information from the subject object and display them in the text fields and the checkbox.  

The program does not need to handle user input error.



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