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Video-Processing-Homework 2 Solved

Section 1 – General Questions
In this part you will need to answer a few questions. Keep your answers short. Sometimes there is more than one correct answer, so please explain your answer. All answers in part 1 should be submitted in a PDF file. The first line of the PDF should include your IDs.

Let’s recall the original optical flow formula:

Note that for each pixel we have two unknowns (u and v), and only one equation.0 = 𝐼𝑡 + 𝐼𝑥𝑢 + 𝐼𝑦𝑣

1.      What is the constant brightness constraint?  In you answer relate to:

a.      How does it help us to solve the optical flow between two images?

b.      Is this assumption correct in real world scenarios? (what happens when there are reflective objects in the image?).

2.      What is the aperture problem and what can we do about it?

3.      How did Lucas-Kanade solve the optical flow problem? (what did they assume about the movement of each pixel?). Hint: it is related to the movement of the neighbourhood of each pixel.

4.      Is the Lucas-Kanade assumption true around the object boundaries? Why?

5.      Propose a general idea how to correctly find the optical flow on the object’s boundaries, given you can get any input you desire (except from the true movement of each pixel). For example, you can get a depth map / label image (you know for each pixel to which object it belongs to or what is its depth). Write which inputs you assume to have and the general idea of your solution.

Section 2 – Lucas-Kanade Optical Flow Part 2.1 - Optical Flow one Step
In this part you are required to compute the velocity fields (u,v) between images I1 and I2. Using those values, you are required to back-project from I2 to I1 (the result should be very similar to I1, in the sense that there should be little movement between the two frames).

The Optical Flow (velocity field) will be computed using the Lucas-Kanade Algorithm (as you learned in class). For this assignment you will use a 2D-translation warp.

In this part, we run the file and implement functions in the file.

I1 in this part is loaded from river1.png

I2 in this part is loaded from river2.png

Note that there are constants in the head of the that you need to finetune / edit.

1.       Implement the function build_pyramid in The function signature is:

An image pyramid is a list containing downsampled versions of the original image. Here, we first create a list with a copy of the original image. Then, iterate over the levels. In each level, we convolve the PYRAMID_FILTER with the image from the previous level. Then, we decimate the result using indexing: simply pick every second entry of the result. Finally, we append the filtered->decimated result to the end of the list. The list length should be num_levels+1.

Hint: Use signal.convolve2d with boundary='symm' and mode='same'.

You are not allowed to use cv2 PyrDown here (or any other cv2 method), since we use a slightly different decimation process from this function.

Type and shape
np.ndarray array of shape: (h, w).
input image.
The number of times we will apply the filter on the image
A list of np.ndarray of images.

The list length should be num_levels+1
Image pyramid is a list of images. The first image is a copy of the original image. The second image is a decimated version of the first image after we applied a filter to it. And so on.
2.       Implement the function lucas_kanade_step in

This method receives two images as inputs and a window_size. It calculates the per-pixel shift in the x-axis and y-axis. That is, it outputs two maps of the shape of the inupt images. The first map encodes the per pixel optical flow parameters in the x-axis and the second in the y-axis.

Open the file for further documentation.

Type and shape
np.ndarray array of shape: (h, w).
Image at time t.
np.ndarray array of shape: (h, w).
Image at time t+1.
The window is of size:

(du, dv)
tuple of two np.ndarray-s. Each np.ndarray is of shape (h, w).
Each one is of the shape of the original image. dv encodes the optical flow parameters in rows and du in columns.
3.       Implement the function warp_image in This function back projects the image I2 using u and v. The expected result should be very similar to I1.

Type and shape
np.ndarray array of shape: (h, w).
Image at time t+1.
np.ndarray : 2d array
Optical flow parameters corresponding to the columns.
np.ndarray : 2d array
Optical flow parameters corresponding to the rows.
np.ndarray array of shape: (h, w).
Warped image
For a reason which will be clearer later, this method needs to support the case where u and v shapes do not share the same shape as of the image. We will update u and v to the shape of the image. The way to do it, is to:

1.       cv2.resize to resize the u and v to the shape of the image.

2.       Then, normalize the shift values according to a factor. This factor is the ratio between the image dimension and the shift matrix (u or v) dimension (the factor for u should take into account the number of columns in u and the factor for v should take into account the number of rows in v).

As for the warping, use `scipy.interpolate`'s `griddata` method:

1.       Define the grid-points using a flattened version of the `meshgrid` of 0:w-1 and 0:h-1.

2.       The values here are simply image.flattened().

3.       The points you wish to interpolate are, again, a flattened version of the `meshgrid` matrices don't forget to add them v and u.

4.       Use `np.nan` as `griddata`'s fill_value.

Finally, fill the nan holes with the source image values.

Hint: For the final step, use np.isnan(image_warp).

4.       Now, go to the Run the script up to the comment line:


4.1. Put the image created in river_results/0_river_one_LK_step_result.png in your PDF and explainthe result.

4.2. Look at the gifs created in river_results/2_after_one_lk_step.gif and river_result/1_original.gif and answer the following question in the report (PDF): Why is the result imperfect?

5.       Implement the function lucas_kanade_optical_flow in This function calculates the LK Optical Flow for max iterations in num-levels of an image pyramid. See detailed algorithm flow after this table.

Type and shape
np.ndarray array of shape: (h, w).
Image at time t.
np.ndarray array of shape: (h, w).
Image at time t+1.
The window is of size:

Maximal number of LK-steps for each level of the pyramid.
Number of pyramid levels.
(u, v)
tuple of two np.ndarray-s. Each np.ndarray is of shape (h, w).
v encodes the optical flow parameters in rows and u in columns.
1.       Since the image is going through a series of decimations, we would like to resize the image shape to:

[K * (2^(num_levels - 1))] X [M * (2^(num_levels - 1))]. Where:

a.       K is the ceil(h / (2^(num_levels - 1)),

b.       and M is ceil(h / (2^(num_levels - 1)).

You can use cv2.resize here.

2.       Build pyramids for the two images.

3.       Initialize u and v as all-zero matrices in the shape of I1.

4.       For every level in the image pyramid (start from the smallest image and finish in the full size image):

a.       Warp I2 from that level according to the current u and v.

b.       Repeat for num_iterations:

i.        Perform a Lucas Kanade Step with the I1 decimated image of the current pyramid level and the current I2_warp to get the new I2_warp.

c.     For every level which is not the image's level, perform an image resize (using cv2.resize) to the next pyramid level resolution (bigger image) and scale u and v accordingly.

6.    Run the entire script. Put all png outputs in your PDF report. Explain all results. Explain why your gif 3_after_full_lk.gif looks better now.

Section 3 – Video Stabilization Part 3.1:

In this part you are required to stabilize a video file using Lucas-Kanade Optical Flow. We will use the functions from Section to do that.

Given a video, for each frame compute the LK Optical Flow with respect to the previous frame (and the destination frame).

For example, suppose you have warped frame k to frame 1. Now, compute the warp from frame k+1 to frame k, add the warp you computed from frame k to frame 1 and use the combined warp, to warp frame k+1 to the coordinate system of frame 1. Frame 1 should be copied as is to the output video.

Graphical representation:

We will continue to implement functions in the file. The file we will run in this section is We will process the video input.avi.

We will have 3 output videos as a result of running this section:




7.    Implement the function lucas_kanade_video_stabilization in This function uses LK Optical Flow to stabilize the video and save it to file.

Detailed explanation follows this table.

Type and shape
path to input video.
path to output stabilized video.
The window is of size:

Maximal number of LK-steps for each level of the pyramid.
Number of pyramid levels.
Writes the stabilized video to output_video_path

1.       Open a VideoCapture object of the input video and read its parameters.

2.       Create an output video VideoCapture object with the same parameters as in (1) in the path given here as input.

                        a.   Use fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID')

3.       Convert the first frame to grayscale and write it as-is to the output video.

4.       Resize the first frame as in the Full-Lucas-Kanade function to

K * (2^(num_levels - 1)) X M * (2^(num_levels - 1)). Where: K is the ceil(h / (2^(num_levels - 1)), and M is ceil(h / (2^(num_levels - 1)).

5.       Create a u and a v which are og the size of the image.

6.       Loop over the frames in the input video (use tqdm to monitor your progress) and:

a.       Resize them to the shape in (4).

b.       Feed them to the lucas_kanade_optical_flow with the previous frame.

c.       Use the u and v maps obtained from (6.2) and compute their mean values over the region that the computation is valid (exclude half window borders from every side of the image).

d.       Update u and v to their mean values inside the valid computation region.

e.       Add the u and v shift from the previous frame diff such that frame in the t is normalized all the way back to the first frame.

f.        Save the updated u and v for the next frame (so you can perform step 6.e. for the next frame.

g.       Finally, warp the current frame with the u and v you have at hand.

h.       We highly recommend you to save each frame to a directory for your own debug purposes. Erase that code when submitting the exercise.

7.       Do not forget to gracefully close all VideoCapture and to destroy all windows.

8.       Run to create  ID1_ID2_stabilized_video.avi. Explain the result you obtained. What happened to the MSE of the video frames? It is ok if you do not handle border effects as we will take care of them by the end of the exercise. This means that the video may contain frames such as this:


But, other than that - the video should look stabilized (not still but stable).

The MSE between frames should be low relative to the original video MSE (lower by at least 40%).

Our numbers are (for your validation):

Mean MSE between frames for original video: 60.23

Mean MSE between frames for Lucas Kanade Stabilized output video: 26.73

Yours can be better (but we do not expect 0 MSE, right? [If worse, not worse than the margin noted up here in percentage])

Part 3.2: Faster LK Implementation
9.    Implement the function faster_lucas_kanade_step in This function implements LK Optical Flow to two images. This function should run faster than lucas_kande_step from Section 2.

The main trick of this function is to compute u and v only in interest points (corners) when the  pyramid resolution is big enough. That means that for small sized levels of the image pyramid the LK-step will be calculated as before but for higher levels it will be computed only for corners.

You can choose if you’d like to use your Harris corner detector from the first exercise or opencv’s cv2.cornerHarris.

Detailed explanation follows this table.

Type and shape
Image at time t.
Image at time t+1.
The window is of size:

(du, dv)
tuple of two np.ndarray-s. Each np.ndarray is of shape (h, w).
Each one is of the shape of the original image. dv encodes the optical flow parameters in rows and du in columns.
Follow the steps:

(1)  If the image is small enough (you need to design what is good enough), simply return the result ofthe good old lucas_kanade_step function.

(2)  Otherwise, find corners in I2 and calculate u and v only for these pixels.

(3)  Return maps of u and v which are all zeros except for the corner pixels you found in (2).

10.  Implement faster_lucas_kanade_optical_flow this should be a copy of lucas_kanade_optical_flow but replace the call for lucas_kanade_step with a call to:


11.  Implement lucas_kanade_faster_video_stabilization this should be a copy of lucas_kanade_video_stabilization but replace the call for lucas_kanade_optical_flow with a call to: faster_lucas_kanade_optical_flow.

Use fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') for the output video.

Again, it is OK if you have border effects as in the first video you created.

The runtime should decrease by at least 30%. The MSE between frames should be low relative to the original video MSE (lower by at least 30%).

For your validation, these are our numbers:

Mean MSE between frames for original video: 60.23

Mean MSE between frames for Lucas Kanade Stabilized output video: 26.73

Mean MSE between frames for Lucas Kanade Stabilized output FASTER Implementation video: 29.03

Yours can be better (but we do not expect 0 MSE, right? [If worse, not worse than the margin noted up here in percentage])

12.  Implement lucas_kanade_faster_video_stabilization_fix_effects. This function fixes border effects of the Lucas Kanade implementation by cutting out a constant portion of the image and uses the faster_lucas_kanade_optical_flow.

Use fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') for the output video.

Type and shape
path to input video.
path to output stabilized video.
The window is of size:

Maximal number of LK-steps for each level of the pyramid.
Number of pyramid levels.
The number of lines to cut from top
The number of lines to cut from bottom.
The number of columns to cut from left.
The number of columns to cut from right.
Writes the stabilized video to output_video_path.
For your validation, these are our numbers:

Mean MSE between frames for original video: 60.23

Mean MSE between frames for Lucas Kanade Stabilized output FASTER Implementation + BORDERS CUT video: 24.39

Yours can be better (but we do not expect 0 MSE, right? [If worse, not worse than the margin noted up here in percentage]).

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