Write Verilog modules to describe the FSMs explained in the following videos:
• https://youtu.be/oSP5Gl1Z8DI (dual_sequence_detector.v)
• https://youtu.be/doItlPBETEM (even_odd_conseq00.v)
• Write appropriate testbenches for both FSMs
There is no FPGA implementation for this part.
Part 2
Design a finite state machine that has an input x and output y. The output should be asserted whenever x = 1 or x = 0 for three consecutive clock pulses. In other words, the FSM should detect the sequences 111 or 000. Overlapping sequences are allowed, so a sequence of four or five 0s or 1s should also output 1.
• Draw a state diagram and include it with your submission
• Write a Verilog module to describe the FSM (conseq_sequence.v)
• Write a testbench to verify your design
There is no FPGA implementation for this part