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VE482-Homework 5 Solved

Non-programming exercises:

Write in a neat and legible handwriting
Clearly explain the reasoning process
Write in a complete style (subject, verb and object) Progamming exercises:
Write a README file for each program
Upload an archive with all the programs onto Canvas
Ex. 1 — Simple questions
A system has two processes and three identical resources. Each process needs a maximum of two resources. Can a deadlock occur? Explain.
A computer has six tape drives, with n processes competing for them. Each process may need two drives. For which values of n is the system deadlock free?
A real-time system has four periodic events with periods of 50, 100, 200, and 250 msec each. Suppose the four events require 35, 20, 10, and x msec of CPU time, respectively. What is the largest value x for which the system is schedulable?
Round-robin schedulers normally maintain a list of all runnable processes, with each process occurring exactly once in the list. What would happen if a process occurred more than once in the list? Would there be any reason for allowing this?
Can a measure of whether a process is likely to be CPU bound or I/O bound be detected by analyzing the source code. How to determine it at runtime?
Ex. 2 — Deadlocks
Assuming three resources consider the following snapshot of a system.

Determine the content of the Request matrix.
Is the system in a safe state?
Can all the processes be completed without the system being in an unsafe state at any stage?
Ex. 3 — Programming

Implement the Banker’s algorithm.

Ex. 4 — Minix 3
How is scheduling handled in Minix 3? Provide clear explanations on how to find the information just by exploring the source code of Minix kernel.

Ex. 5 — The reader-writer problem
In the reader-writer problem, some data could be accessed for reading but also sometimes for writing. When processes want to read the data they get a read lock and a write lock for writing. Multiple processes could get a read lock at the same time while a write lock should prevent anybody else from reading or writing the data until the write lock is released.

To solve the problem we decide to use a global variable count together with two semaphores: count_lock for locking the count variable, and db_lock for locking the database. To get a write lock we can proceed as follows:

Explain how to get a read lock, and write the corresponding pseudocode.
Describe what is happening if many readers request a lock.
To overcome the previous problem we will block any new reader when a writer becomes available.

Explain how to implement this idea using another semaphore called read_lock.
Is this solution giving any unfair priority to the writer or the reader? Can the problem be considered as solved?

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