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VE280- Project 1 Solved


This project will give you experience in using basic C++ constructs including I/O, arithmetic operators, branch, and loop.


Hangman is a guessing game. The player needs to guess a word by suggesting letters. At the beginning of the game, a random word is selected from a dictionary and displayed as a sequence of dashes, one for each letter of the word, separated by a space for legibility. For instance, for the word “hangman”:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

During one turn, the player chooses one letter. If it appears in the word, the display is updated and shows where it appears in the word. For instance, if ‘a’ is selected:

_ a _ _ _ a _

If the letter does not appear in the word, the score, which represents the number of erroneous trials, is increased by one. The initial score is zero.

When the score reaches 10, the game is over and the player has lost. If after the letter selection all the letters of the word have been revealed, the player has won. Otherwise, the player chooses another letter.

Programming Assignment

You will implement a program for this game.


Your program should first display a randomly chosen word (called W) with each of its letters replaced by dashes. Then it will repeatedly prompt for a character until it reads a letter from ‘a’ to ‘z’ (it only accepts lowercase letters) that have not been proposed before:

“Please enter a letter (a-z): ”

Please note that there is a space at the end of the above line.

The score is incremented by one if the read letter does not appear in word W. If the score reaches 10, the word is revealed and the game ends with the following message “You lost!”.  If all the letters of word W have been guessed, the word is revealed and the game ends with the following message “You won!”. Otherwise, your program outputs the state of the game: the score is printed, then the word is displayed again such that each letter that has been guessed is printed normally and the other letters are replaced by ‘_’, and finally your program also displays all the characters that have been proposed and that do not belong to the word (in alphabetic order, separated by one space). Then the program loops and asks for another letter.


Here is one example of a possible play:

Score: 0

_ _ _

Already proposed characters:


Please enter a letter (a-z): a
Score: 1
_ _ _

Already proposed characters: a
Please enter a letter (a-z):                                                                                                                  e

Score:                                                                                                                                                1

Already proposed characters: a Please enter a letter (a-z): {                                                             

Score:_ e _                                                                                                                                        1


_ e _

Already proposed characters:


Please enter a letter (a-z): E

Score: 1

_ e _

Already proposed characters: a

Please enter a letter (a-z): i

Score: 2

_ e _

Already proposed characters: a i

Please enter a letter (a-z): e

Score: 2

_ e _

Already proposed characters: a i

Please enter a letter (a-z): s

Score: 2

_ e s

Already proposed characters: a i

Please enter a letter (a-z): y

The word was: yes

You won!

Here is another example of a possible play:

Score: 0

_ _ _

Already proposed characters:


Please enter a letter (a-z): a

Score: 1

_ _ _

Already proposed characters: a

Please enter a letter (a-z): b

Score: 2

_ _ _

Already proposed characters: a b

Please enter a letter (a-z): c


Score: 9

_ e _

Already proposed characters: a b c d f g h i j  Please enter a letter (a-z): k

The word was: yes

You lost!

Implementation Requirements

You should put all the functions you write in a single file, called p1.cpp. You may only include <iostream (e.g., cin, cout) and ) and <string. No other system header files may be included, and you may not make any call to any function in any other library.

The list of words used by your program is provided in a header file p1.h that we provide. It defines two variables words and nWords. The former corresponds to an array of C strings that contains all the words your program can use and the latter corresponds to the number of words.

Therefore, you should have the following line include “p1.h” on the top of your file p1.cpp.

The header file p1.h also includes functions (declared and defined in rand.h and rand.cpp, which are also provided) to generate (pseudo)random numbers. To select a random integer, you can use the function p1_rand() that returns a (pseudo)random  int. For example, to obtain a number between 1 and 100, you can use p1_rand()%100+1.  Before using the function p1_rand(), the function p1_srand(seed) is generally called with an integer seed to initialize the pseudorandom sequence. Parameter seed is generally taken as equal to time(NULL) from the ctime library. However, to simplify testing, we require you to ask the user to input the seed at the start of the program (after printing this message first: “Please input seed: ” Please note that there is a space at the end of this line) and then make the following call just after getting the input seed from the user: p1_srand(seed). This way, Online Judge can control the selection of the word.


Recall that a character is encoded in ASCII (e.g., ‘a’ == 97 or ‘<’ == 60) and can also be seen as a number between 0 and 255. Therefore ‘b’ – ‘a’ == 1.


Note: Our online judge ignores the trailing spaces in a line unless otherwise specified. Thus, it does not matter whether in your output you put a space or not at the end of any line unless otherwise specified. During the game, you can assume that the user always inputs a single character followed by an “enter”. If the user inputs an illegal character, it is ignored and the program outputs the current state of the game (see examples above).



Compiling and Testing

To compile, type the following Linux command:

g++ -Wall -o p1 p1.cpp rand.cpp

You should test your program extensively.

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