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UCS548 UCS 538 – Data Science Fundamentals Solution

Assignment – 4.1

Q1. Create a Data Frame (DF) for the given dataset in Table 1.

Table 1. A patient dataset

PatientID AdmDate Age Diabetes Status
1 10/15/2009 25 Type1 Poor
3 10/21/2009 28 Type1 Excellent
4 10/28/2009 52 Type1 Poor

Q2. Perform the following operation on DF.
a. Extract PatientID and Age in Subset 1.
b. Identify the Type1 patients from DF.
c. Count the patient of Poor status.
d. Print the summary of the DF.
e. Find the average age of patient having Diabetes.
f. Input more patient data from Keyboard.

Q3. Create a list named MyList having title “My First List” and criteria having following items: a. Age vector a = (12, 14,16, 20)
b. A two dimensional matrix with 5 rows.
c. A score vector with values s = (‘First’, ‘Second’, ‘Third’) Print MyList, criteria, and vector a.

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