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UCS1411-Lab 3 Implementation of CPU Scheduling Policies Solved

Develop a menu driven C program to implement the CPU Scheduling Algorithms 

FCFS and SJF (Non-Preemptive and Preemptive)

Sample Learning Outcome:

1.     Learn about the CPU Scheduling algorithms – FCFS and SJF.

2.     Implement the sorting algorithms necessary for scheduling and analyzing the performance using waiting time, turn around time and response time.

3.     Learn to draw the Gantt Chart Best Practices:

1.  Algorithm design

2.  Naming convention – for file names, variables

3.  Comment usage at proper places

4.  Prompt messages during reading input and displaying output

5.  Error handling mechanisms for failures in system calls

6.  Incremental program development

7.  Modularity

8.  All possible test cases in output



1.  Read the following 

a.  Number of processes 

b.  Process IDs 

c.  Arrival time for each process 

d.  Burst Time for each process 

2.  Design a menu with FCFS and SJF options 

3.  Upon selection of menu option apply the corresponding algorithm. 

4.  Compute the average turnaround time, average waiting time and average response      time for each of the algorithm. 

5.  Tabularize the results. 

6.  Display the Gantt Chart.

Sample Input & Output:


1.  FCFS 

2.  SJF

3.  EXIT 

Enter your option: 1 


Number of Processes: 5 

Process ID:  P1 

Arrival Time: 0 

Burst Time:  4  

Process ID:  P5 

Arrival Time: 6 

Burst Time:  3 


0                          4


Process ID       Arrival Time   Burst Time Turnaround Time Waiting Time    Response Time

              P1                     0              4                ***                   ***                    *** 

               ***                    ***          ***              ***                  ***                     ***  



                                                                         Average          ***                      *** 


Want to Continue ( Y/N): Y 


1.  FCFS 

2.  SJF 

3.  EXIT 

Enter your option: 2


a.  Non preemptive SJF 

b.  Pre emptive SJF 

Enter your option: a 

Number of Processes: 5   

Process ID:  P1 

Arrival Time: 0 

Burst Time:  4  

Process ID:  P5 

Arrival Time: 6 

Burst Time:  3 


0                          4


Process ID        Arrival Time   Burst Time  Turnaround Time Waiting Time  Response Time





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