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UCI- Assignment 1: Text Processing Solved

This assignment is to be done individually. You cannot use code written by your classmates. Use code found over the Internet at your own peril -- it may not do exactly what the assignment requests. If you do end up using code you find on the Internet, you must disclose the origin of the code. Concealing the origin of a piece of code is plagiarism. Use Piazza for general questions whose answers can benefit you and everyone.

General Specifications
You can use any programming language. The next homework will use crawlers written in Python, so you may want to use this homework to brush up your knowledge of Python.
Make sure to break down your program into classes/methods/functions corresponding to the parts in this specification. They will be tested separately.
The function signatures in this specification are informal; their purpose is to explain the inputs and outputs of the methods.
Important: At certain points, the assignment may be underspecified. In those cases, make your own assumptions and be prepared to defend them.
 Part A: Word Frequencies  
 Method/Function: List<Token> tokenize(TextFilePath)

Write a method/function that reads in a text file and returns a list of the tokens in that file. For the purposes of this project, a token is a sequence of alphanumeric characters, independent of capitalization (so Apple, apple are the same token).

 Method:        Map<Token,Count> computeWordFrequencies(List<Token>)

Write another method/function that counts the number of occurrences of each token in the token list.

 Method:         void print(Frequencies<Token, Count>)

Finally, write a method that prints out the word frequency counts onto the screen. The print out should be ordered by decreasing frequency. (so, highest frequency words first)

The TA will use their own test text files. For this part, it is expected that your program will read this text file, tokenize it, count the tokens, and print out the token (word) frequencies.

Please, use one of the output formats when you print out the result:


<token> <freq>

<token> - <freq>

<token> = <freq>

<token> > <freq>

<token> -> <freq>

<token> => <freq>


Part B: Intersection of two files
Write a program that takes two text files as arguments and outputs the number of tokens they have in common. Here is an example of input/output:

Common Tasks
 For both part A and part B, please add a brief runtime complexity explanation for your code as a comment on top of each method or function (does it run in linear time relative to the size of the input? Polynomial-time? Exponential time? ). This explanation and your code's actual conformance with this explanation will be the basis for evaluating the performance of your program.  You should get the file names from command line arguments. Do not hard code the input file names in your code or read them from system standard input (stdin). As the assignment will be graded using an automatic grader, not doing this will result in losing the whole credit for the assignment.

 Exception handling is required for bad inputs. An example of bad input would be a character in a non-english language. Your code should be able to tokenize the whole input file even though there may be some bad inputs in it. You should be able to skip the bad input and continue with the rest. If your code throws an exception in the middle of tokenizing a TA's input test case, you will lose the whole credit for that test case.

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