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CSE 512 - Assignment 2

The required task is to build a simplified query processor that accesses data from the partitioned ratings table. Input Data: - Same as in Assignment 1 i.e. ratings.dat file.
Required Task: - Below are the steps you need to follow to fulfill this assignment: • RangeQuery() – o Implement a Python function RangeQuery that takes as input: (1) Ratings table stored in PostgreSQL, (2) RatingMinValue (3) RatingMaxValue (4) openconnection o Please note that the RangeQuery would not use ratings table but it would use the range and round robin partitions of the ratings table. o RangeQuery() then returns all tuples for which the rating value is larger than or equal to RatingMinValue and less than or equal to RatingMaxValue. o The returned tuples should be stored in a text file, named RangeQueryOut.txt (in the same directory where is present) such that each line represents a tuple that has the following format such that PartitionName represents the full name of the partition i.e. RangeRatingsPart1 or RoundRobinRatingsPart4 etc. in which this tuple resides. PartitionName, UserID, MovieID, Rating o Note: Please use ‘,’ (COMMA) as delimiter between PartitionName, UserID, MovieID and Rating. • PointQuery() – o Implement a Python function PointQuery that takes as input: (1) Ratings table stored in PostgreSQL, (2) RatingValue. (3) openconnection o Please note that the PointQuery would not use ratings table but it would use the range and round robin partitions of the ratings table. o PointQuery() then returns all tuples for which the rating value is equal to RatingValue. o The returned tuples should be stored in a text file, named PointQueryOut.txt (in the same directory where is present) such that each line represents a tuple that has the following format such that PartitionName represents the full name of the partition i.e. RangeRatingsPart1 or RoundRobinRatingsPart4 etc. in which this tuple resides. PartitionName, UserID, MovieID, Rating o Note: Please use ‘,’ (COMMA) as delimiter between PartitionName, UserID, MovieID and Rating. Please use the function signature exactly same as mentioned in

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