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TX00CI63-Assignment 3 Solved

Assignment 3
In this assignment we will get familiar with the basic principles of databases and take a look at UART which we’ll use to connect our IoT device and our web server.


Have Node and Express (with cookie and body parsers) installed
Install serialport, mongodb and sqlite3 NPM packages
Install MongoDB server on your computer
Tasks 1 and 2
In this task you will have to create an Express application for working with a car dealer stock (much like in assignment 2 task 1), but use a database for storing the car data. Your application should at least have the following routes implemented:

GET / - Returns a list of all cars available
POST / - Adds a car to the list
GET /:carID - Returns a car with the specified ID
GET /makes/:make - Returns all cars of a specified make
DELETE /:carID - Deletes a car with the specified ID
The list of the cars should persist when the server is restarted. You must generate an ID on the server when adding a new car to the list. If you wish, you can have additional routes, for example modifying a car or retrieving cars by production year, etc.

Store the car data in a MongoDB database for task 1 and an SQLite database for task 2.

Otherwise tasks 1 and 2 are identical.


You can use callbacks, Promises or async/await for asynchronous calls
promisify can turn callback-based Node functions into Promise-based versions
Use body-parser to retrieve data from the request body
Task 3
In this task you will be required to use Node serialport library to communicate with your microcontroller dev kit and signal capture board. We will be re-using our Dice webpage from Assignment 1 task 3. The difference here is that your roll button should trigger your microcontroller to generate a new value for the die through UART. The resulting value should be returned through UART to your server and ultimately display the correct face of the die in your browser. You will be required to procure a signal capture board and an LPCxpresso from the Metropolia library. &

Internet of Things TX00CI63-3006

You will send 'a' followed by 'q' to the µC over UART to get two strings back(also over UART)The second string will contain the die value followed by a space and then a string of bits

Example: Send(button down) 'a' get back "0 0000000" send(button up) 'q' receive "5 1011101"

In the above example 5 is the value shown on the die face image that you should serve to the client.


The serial port library can be installed using ‘npm’
The serialport library uses node.js stream interface
You can use events, but must use caution as event listeners can cause some unforeseen problems. As such, you must manage when you listen and when you don’t (manually).
This was completed without having to change the original HTLM or EJS files at all. All changes were carried out in the backend.

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