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TU59-TU60 Week 4 Solution

1. Webinar on R notebooks with markdown
2. R markdown cheatsheet -
Download the zip file from Brightspace that contains the datafiles we are using this week (survey.dat and the codebook for the survey that was used to generate the data – this includes a description of the variables - Note all the Total variable are calculated to be scale variables).
Unzip to a location that makes sense for you.
Make sure you can load the dataset – either by saving the dataset to your working directory or setting your working directory to where the dataset has been downloaded.
NOTE: this zip file includes a code book which outlines the variable names given for each concept. For this lab you are interested in the variables Total scale scores (e.g. total optimism, total selfesteem etc)

Step 1:
Launch R Studio and open the .rmd file for the lecture.
Review the commands.
Step 2:
Try to write the code to investigate the following relationships using a Pearson correlation test (create scatterplots first)
• Relationship between Total Positive Affect and Total Perceived Stress
• Relationship between Total Life Satisfaction and Total Perceived Control of Internal States.
• Relationship between Total Mastery and Total Optimism.
Step 3:
• Investigate Spearman and Kendall for the above pairs of variables

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