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TU59-TU60 Text-Mining Final Assessment Solution

With this assessment, you will complete exercises for each of the main topics covered in the module. These can be used to showcase your work as a Data Scientist to future employers.

The goal of the assignment:
The important thing in this assignment is not so much if you use python or you use Orange. The main point is to find useful information that can help the company to run their business in a more efficient way. Imagine that you are a company in the pharmaceutical sector that provides all the drugs in the dataset and you are getting feedback from the clients on those drugs. To this end, finding insights that can help the company and convert them into useful strategies is what is more valuable. The main question you should be asking is what useful information in this dataset can you find for the company.

Required Tasks:
You are to complete a full example of applying multiple approaches to the following dataset, including details of analysis and reflections on findings.
There are multiple tasks you can apply to this dataset (classification, regression, clustering, feature selection, etc). You should write a document explaining all the steps you did in this assignment. To simplify classification it is ok if you divide the dataset into two groups (Positive 6-10) or Negative (1-5). You can also divide the dataset into three groups (Positive 8-10), Negative (1-3), and Neutral (4-7).

The dataset provides patient reviews on specific drugs along with related conditions: UCI Machine Learning
Repository: Drug Review Dataset ( Data Set
More information on the dataset is:

The original file is in TSV format but you can easily transform it into CSV using the following script:

Tasks to perform in the dataset:
There are multiple tasks we have developed during the course. You can use python or orange to create your data mining analysis.
Here are some resources you can use for developing your project:
● Introduction to Orange Datamining and the repository
● Getting Started with Orange 01: Welcome to Orange
● NLTK Sentiment Analysis Tutorial: Text Mining & Analysis in Python | DataCamp
Use Orange Data Mining or Python to complete all the Data Mining tasks. For Forecasting and Text Mining, you can use Python.

Fonts, size, and separation:
For doing the assignment the fonts should be 10.5, the font Calibri, and the separation between the lines (1.15). Leave one line between paragraphs and leave the margins as they are in the template.

References & Citations:
Include a References section for each Task. Each reference should be cited in your text. Use a referencing/citation method you are used to or select APA or Numeric Style. You can use an article in Google Scholar and then click on “Cite” and then include that on the assignment (Adding Citations & References Using MS Word).

Only include details and images which are important for your findings and narrative. Do not fill your report with reports/charts/etc which do not add to your discussion.
Document / Report:
See the sample document/report (on BrightSpace). This document contains generic sections for you to complete for each part of this assignment. These sections are just suggestions! You can modify or use your own section headings. Whatever makes sense to you for completing the assignment and telling your story.
Submission Details:
You will need to submit your assignment on BrightSpace VLE. You cannot submit your assignment via email.
Q&A and Support
You should commence work on this portfolio immediately. This will allow you to ask questions and gain guidance on each task during the weekly lab sessions.

Post-Christmas & New Year Break:

I will have no access to emails during the Christmas and New Year breaks. It is vital you commence your work early on this assessment and raise any questions as they arise, ideally before the Christmas break.
Marking Scheme
See Marking Rubric. The documentation for your assignment must contain the name, student number, class, course (TU??) and year information for each student in the group. Failure to give this information will incur a 10% penalty.
Assignment Feedback
Feedback will be via Brightspace VLE. This will consist of a mark for your assignment and a short comment on the assignment.

Marking Rubric

Achievement Excellent Satisfactory Basic Unsatisfactory
% of Marks Available >75% 55-75% 40-55% <40%

Definition and presentation 10 Well defined problem definition, justifications for selections. Excellent presentation and clarity. Problem definition, medium to well defined. Clear and defined presentation. Problem definition missing details and Impact. Presentation has a few mistakes. Poorly defined problem, and poor presentation.
Data Insights
& Data
Preparation 20 Good focused insights from dataset select, good explanation, no trivial data
analysis, selection of
appropriate data
preparation, explanations given, Useful insights with explanations, impact
of these on problem
solution, selection of some appropriate data preparation, explanations given Some insights given, limited details, limited data preparations, appropriateness of data prep, minimum explanations given No or poorly selected data insights, limited or no data
Application of Algorithms 15 Suitable algorithms selected, good details on these and why, good details on experimentation, insights from
reflections, and discussion Suitable algorithms selected, some detail of selection and why, some details of algorithm experimentation, some discussion of experimentation Suitable algorithms selected, limited details of selections given,
limited details of
application of algorithms given, limited details of
algorithm settings and tuning Limited or no details of selection and application of algorithms for data and problem. No explanations
Analysis of Results 20 Excellent detailed analysis of results
and excellent insights of these. Clearly
demonstrates impact and outcomes Well detailed analysis of results, good level of insights on these,
what then mean,
impact and outcomes Some discussion of results, at a basic
level with little
insights Little, no or very limited analysis of results and
outcomes from tasks
Learning for work 15 Excellent level of insights, brings
together details through work, 4-8
comparing related work in each task, clear identification of improvements, reflection on
learning outcomes from tasks Good level of discussion of results, identify some areas
for improvement,
3-5 citations used to compare results in
each task, identification of
some improvements
with limited discussion Some discussion and evaluation of work, some comparison
with related research, a limited number of citations used Little or no discussion or work, no
comparison with related research

Ethics & Legal 20 Excellent level of discussion and
insights for both case studies. Clear well defined
ethical and legal issues. Clear well defined
impact on role and tasks Good level of discussion of ethical and legal issues for
both case studies. Clearly reflection on these and the roles and tasks Some discussion of ethical and/or legal aspects. Limited discussion with little
or no reflection, and impact on roles and tasks Little or no discussion, simple overviews given, Little or no ethical and legal aspects considered

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