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SYD366-Sales Lab Solved

Christy’s customers are individuals in her community, some of whom have have multiple pets.

Christy has developed a list of services by species.  For example, she washes and grooms dogs, washes cats and trims nails, trims nails for guinea pigs and trims nails and files teeth for rabbits. Her prices depend on the size of the animal and the condition of animal.  

Christy would like a system that helps her record sales for customers.  Ideally, she would like to be able to retrieve sales for customers, so that she can see what happened in the past.  Also, she would like to see how much money she makes working with different species.

Your task is to create a class diagram and sequence diagrams to support the following user stories and systems usecase specifications.


Use Case: Maintain Customer

User Story

As the owner of this business, I would like to record my customer’s contact information and a list of the pet’s that they own.  Recording pet species, breed, gender and birth year will aid me in preparing for my customer visits.

Acceptance Criteria:

1.      Must be able to record multiple pets for a customer

2.      Must be able to flag a pet as not serviceable (example: dog bites)

3.      Must be able to query pets by species.

4.      Must be able to query sales by customer.


Use Case Descriptions

Use Case Name
Create Customer Information
Triggering Event
New customer requests services.
Brief Description
Allows the Owner to record a new customer’s information.
Related Use Cases
Owner has opened the Main Menu.
Post Conditions
Customer is saved to the database.  Sales can be created for the customer
Flow of activities
Requests to add a new Customer
Prompts for Customer name, address, telephone  and email address
Enters customer name, address, telephone number and email address
Verifies that name, address, telephone number and email address have been entered. 

Creates a unique customer identifier

Displays the customer’s identifier, name, address, telephone number and email address

Prompts to add pets
Chooses to add new pet
Displays a list of pet species for selection
Selects a pet species
Prompts for pet name, breed, birth year, and colour.  Displays a list of pet gender for selection.  Displays a list of breeds for selection.
Enters pet name, birth year and colour.  Selects a breed, Selects a pet gender.  Selects a breed.
Pet name must be entered, breed must be selected, birth year and colour must be entered.  Gender must be selected.


Data is valid

Creates a unique pet identifier

Displays the pet’s information including identifier, name, breed, birth year, colour and gender.
End loop
Request to save
Saves the customer and pets
Exception Conditions
·        Owner chooses to cancel adding the customer



User Story

As the owner of this business, I would like to record my sales so that I can quickly see how much money I’ve made. 

Acceptance Criteria:

5.      Must be able to record multiple services for multiple pets belonging to a customer in one sale

6.      Must be able to query sales by customer.



Use Case Descriptions


Use Case Name
Create Sales 
Triggering Event
Customer has requested service and the service is complete
Brief Description
Allows the Owner to record a new sales
Related Use Cases
Owner has opened the Main Menu.
Post Conditions
Sales is created and can now be queried
Flow of activities
Requests to add a new sale
Displays a list of customers and prompts for selection
Selects a customer 
Prompts for service date
Enters service date
Verifies that service date has been entered and generates a unique ale number.  Prompts to select pets.
Chooses to add a pet
Displays a list of pets and prompts for selection
Selects the pet
Prompts to select services
Chooses to add services
Displays a list of services including service name and price/hour prompting for selection
Selects services that apply
Adds services to the invoice.  

Updates hours and price
Calculates the detail amount (hours * price). Calculates taxes and updates sale total.  Displays the sale total, total taxes, sale service details, prompting for changes to  hours and price 

Prompts for another pet

Prompts to save
Until all services for a pet have been selected
Until pets have been selected.
Displays the sale total, total taxes, invoice service details and prompts to save
Chooses to save
Saves the sale.

Return to the main menu
Exception Conditions
·        Owner chooses to cancel adding the sale invoice

Use Case Name
Query Sales by Customer
Triggering Event
Owner requires a list of sale details by customer
Brief Description
Allows the Owner to retrieve sale details for a specific customer for a specified date range
Related Use Cases
Owner has opened the Main Menu.
Post Conditions
sales are retrieved, totaled and displayed 
Flow of activities
Requests to query sales (by customer, by date) transactions
Displays a calendar

Selects date range

Verifies that dates are selected.  Displays a list of customers and prompts for selection

Selects a customer
Retrieves sale detail in the specified date range for the specified customer.  

Calculate and displays totals

Prompts to exit
Request to exit
returns to the main menu
Exception Conditions
Owner requests to cancel query

Your tasks: 

1.      Create a class diagram to support the above case study and Systems Use Case Specifications

2.      Create an object level sequence diagram, detailing the Create Customer systems use case specification 

3.      Create an object level sequence diagram, detailing the Create Sales use case specification

4.      Create an object level sequence diagram, detailing the Query Sales (by customers) system use case specification.

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