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STOR390 HOMEWORK 2 Solution

This homework is meant to illustrate the methods of classification algorithms as well as their potential pitfalls. In class, we demonstrated K-Nearest-Neighbors using the iris dataset. Today I will give you a different subset of this same data, and you will train a KNN classifier.
Above, I have given you a training-testing partition. Train the KNN with 𝐾=5 on the training data and use this to classify the 50 test observations. Once you have classified the test observations, create a contingency table – like we did in class – to evaluate which observations your algorithm is misclassifying.
set.seed(123) #STUDENT INPUT
k <- 5
knnmod <- knn(train = iris_train, test = iris_test, cl = iris_target_category, k = k) continTable <- table(Predicted = knnmod, Actual = iris_test_category) continTable
## Actual
## Predicted setosa versicolor virginica
## setosa 5 0 0
## versicolor 0 25 0 ## virginica 0 11 9
classifErrorRate <- 1 - sum(diag(continTable)) / sum(continTable) classifErrorRate
## [1] 0.22
Discuss your results. If you have done this correctly, you should have a classification error rate that is roughly 20% higher than what we observed in class. Why is this the case? In particular run a summary of the iris_test_category as well as iris_target_category and discuss how this plays a role in your answer.
print("Test Category:")
## [1] "Test Category:"
## setosa versicolor virginica
## 5 36 9
print("Train Category:")
## [1] "Train Category:"
## setosa versicolor virginica
## 45 14 41
To address this issue and improve the model’s ability to generalize, cross-validation is a technique which can be employed. Cross-validation involves systematically partitioning the dataset into several subsets and training the model multiple times, each time using a different subset as the test set and the remaining data as the training set. This process helps in ensuring that the model is tested on a representative sample of the entire dataset, thereby giving a more accurate estimate of its performance on unseen data.There are various forms of cross-validation, such as k-fold and stratified cross-validation. The choice of method depends on the context of the data set and the data setand the data scientist’s judgment. For instance, stratified crossvalidation is particularly effective in maintaining proportional representation of each class across all folds, which is crucial in scenarios like ours where class imbalance is a concern.
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