Coding Assignment
1. (Bonus Credit: 2pt) Write your own functions to use LOO-CV and GCV to select the optimal span for loess. Check [Coding3 BonusCredit.html] on Piazza.
• Test your code on data set Coding3 Bonus Data.csv, which can be downloaded from Piazza.
• Report your CV and GCV for 15 span values: 0.20, 0.25, ..., 0.90.
Assignment 3 Bonus xxxx netID.., where “xxxx” is the last 4-dig of your University ID.
For example, the submission for Max Y. Chen with UID 672757127 and netID mychen12 would be named
Assignment 3 Bonus 7127 mychen12 MaxChen.R.
You can add whatever characters after your netID.
• Name the PDF file (submitted along with your code) similarly, starting with
AssignmentOutput 3 Bonus xxxx netID...pdf,
where “xxxx” is the last 4-dig of your University ID. You do not need to worry about the name of the Markdown file generated by your code.
2. (3pt) Implement the Baum-Welch algorithm and the Viterbi algorithm for a hidden Markov model (HMM) with Two hidden states (A or B) and whose outcome is a discrete random variable taking Three unique values. Check [Coding3 HMM.html] on Piazza.
• Test your code on data set Coding3 HMM Data.csv, which can be downloaded from Piazza, with number of iterations for EM to be 100.
• Report the output from your Baum-Welch algorithm, and save your output from your Viterbi algorithm.