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STAT240 Homework 2 Solution

This file should be in STAT240/homework/hw02 on your local computer. If you want the barplot from problem 2to render in the knitted file, download exampleBarplot.png to that folder as well.
While you should create your answers in the .Rmd file, homework problems are better formatted and therefore easier to read in the .html file. We recommended frequently knitting and switching between the two as you read and solve problems.
Problem 1

Problem 2

Check the knitted .html file or the exampleBarplot.png file itself. For the image to render in your knitted file, download exampleBarplot.png next to this .Rmd.
Your friend’s attempt below is producing an error.

Fix your friend’s error by editing the above chunk (or create another one).
Then, below, explain why the original code was wrong and why the fixed code works.
Replace this text with your response.
Problem 3

Replace this text with your response.
Problem 4
will suffice.)
Replace this text with your response.
Replace this text with your response.
c) Consider encountering this graph in a published news paper. Name one specific thing this graph does well to accomplish its goal, andwhat specific part of the code is responsible for it.
Replace this text with your response.
d) In the same context as c), name one specific thing that could be improved about this graph, and describe what code you wouldadd/edit to make it happen. (No need to formally write and run the code, just a description.)
Replace this text with your response.
Problem 5

Problem 6

Problem 7

Problem 8
Compare the resulting graphs from problems 5, 6, and 7.
Consider trying to determine in what time period Lake Mendota was freezing, on average, longer than Lake Monona.
Which of the three graphs do you prefer for this determination and why?
Replace this text with your response

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