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STA 4164 Project 2  Solution

2. The purpose of this study is to do a comprehensive and complete regression analysis from what you have learned in this class. Therefore, the report should be detailed and concise at the same time. You should also consider your audience as an educated but non-technical person and do your best to explain your perspective as more uncomplicated as possible.
3. Your report’s body MUST be free of code. Only if there is a novelty in your code never represented in the literature, it can be included it in the body. You should, however, append your code to the report as supplementary material or appendix.
5. Page limit for your report is 10 pages at most (excluding reference and code in the appendix).
6. My intention in this assignment is to evaluate your coding and writing skills and how you can convince the audience that you followed a professional methodology to answer a potential question. You will also be assessed on your ability to simply and efficiently express your finding to the general audience.
8. Try to be innovative and push your limits as far as you can. This is what matters most.
9. Please put all your report into a single pdf file.
STA 4164 - Statistical Method III
Project 2– Guidelines
1. Abstract (You should write it at the beginning and summarize your research in a paragraph)
2. Objectives (Express your Main question(s) doing this study)
3. Source of your data (Where did you find your data, how is it collected, dimension, etc.)
4. Environment of your study (OS, programming language, software, version, …)
5. Data exploration
a. Frequency exploration (mean, range, etc. of your variables)
b. General graphs (primal explanatory scatter plots, histograms, bar charts, etc.)
c. Exploring general assumptions (are all regression assumptions satisfied)
d. Collinearity evaluation (Possible colinear variables and your remedial actions)
6. Data preparation
a. Dealing with missing values (size of missed values, any imputation, discarding, …)
b. Treating Outliers (distinguished observations, how did you deal with them, …)
c. Possible transformations (Reasoning behind and type of transformation)
d. Possible definition of dummy variables (merging, dummy definition, etc.)
7. Modeling:
a. Univariate model exploration (Brief result of univariate analysis)
b. Interaction and confounding exploration (discovered interactions, reasoning, etc)
c. Comprehensive model (Result of your comprehensive model exploration)
d. Model selection (Approaches you followed and findings)
e. Diagnostics (Model diagnostic and redefining the model)
f. Final best model
8. Discussion:
a. Final model interpretation (What does your model mean? Clear and simple.)
b. Model performance (accuracy) (if you pursued testing your model)
9. Conclusion (Clearly answer your main question from part 2 above)
10. References
11. Appendix (code, etc.)

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