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ST558- Project 1 Solved

1 Instructions

Vignettes are explanations of some concept, package, etc. with text, code, and output interweaved. We already know how to make them with R Markdown!

Project Objectives
This project involves creating a vignette (HTML with table of contents) about reading in data and exploring it.

Group Work
Each group will collaborate through GitHub.

One partner should make a repository
That person should add all three other group members to the project
– Go to settings, collaborators, and search for your groupmates (usernames may need to be shared)

All changes to documents should be done on the repositories (this way when grading I can see how much each group member contributes :)
The JSON partners will work independently of the XML partners but incoroporate feedback given by their counterparts (and vice-versa).At some point the JSON partners should ask the XML partners for feedback (with a reasonable amount of time for them to respond). Each of the XML partners must submit at least one pull request on the vignette (and vice-versa).
To do so, the XML members should first fork the repository
Clone the repo locally (i.e. grab the clone URL and start a new project in R Studio (version control –> git) and put in the repo URL)
Make comments/edits locally and commit to your forked repo
Perform a pull request to merge your branch to the original repo master branch
Now the JSON group can view pull requests and choose which changes to include
Vignette Content Details
The components of your vignette that must be present include:

Describe your type of data (JSON or XML). What is it, where does it get used, and why is it a good way to store data? This should be detailed enough that someone that hasn’t seen that type of idea would have a good idea what they are dealing with. You should link to references where applicable.
Discussion of possible packages/functions that are available for reading your type of data into R. Choose one and explain why you’ve chosen it.
Find a dataset of your type (JSON or XML) and describe where you found the data, how the data was collected, what the variables are, etc.The data you read in should have at least two categorical variables and two quantitative variables.
Read in the data set describing the options your package’s functions allow.
Perform basic exploratory data analysis that reveals a meaningful idea that you would reasonable want to investigate further. Not all things reported need to show something meaningful (i.e. graphs that show no relationship are fine) but you should end up with a solid lead that you would pursue further.At some point you should create a useful function(s) to do something meaningful with the data or customize the way you read the data in.
You should create a new variable.
You should create some contingency tables and numeric summaries by some of your categorical variables
You should create some plots (at least a side-by-side bar plot, side-by-side box plots, and scatter plots with coloring)

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