Develop a class called BaseballPark that stores Baseball Parks data
Your class will have at least five member variables. (must be private) type std::string to represent the franchise.
type std::string to represent the name of stadium. type std::string to represent the name of city. type int to represent the capacity.
type USLength to represent the center field dimension.
You have developed USLength class in HW7.
The complete class will include all the following member functions:
a constructor to set a franchise, stadium, city, capacity and center field dimension as
BaseballPark park(franchise, stadium, city, capacity, centerField); a default constructor (takes no input) that sets name=”NA”, and default number (maybe 0).
Mutators for each member variable.
Accessors for each member variable.
Add “const” modifier for member function that does not modify member variables.
Develop C++ code to process following tasks:
Reads “MajorLeagueBallparks.csv” and store those in an array.
Download the file from here.
How to read CSV (CommaSeparated Values) file in C++? See below or see here
(http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/general/13087/) .
Use your BaseballPark class to recored data.
Use std::vector container class to store all data in an array.
Your vector type must be like:
#include "USLength.h"
class BaseballPark{ public:
BaseballPark(std::string franchise,std::string stadium,std::string city,int capacity,USLength cente rField);
/// member/friend functions
private: std::string franchise; std::string stadium; std::string city; int capacity;
USLength centerField; // you may need your namespace
/// your code here
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
// YOUR code here
std::ifstream infile;
infile.open("MajorLeagueBallparks.csv");// Path to the CSV file if (infile.fail()){
std::cout << "file not found\n"; return -1;
std::string franchise; std::string stadium; std::string city; int capacity; int yards; int feet;
std::string entry;
std::string line;
while (std::getline(infile,line)){ std::stringstream ststrm(line); std::getline(ststrm,franchise,','); std::getline(ststrm,stadium,','); std::getline(ststrm,city,','); std::getline(ststrm,entry,','); capacity = std::stoi(entry); std::getline(ststrm,entry,','); yards = std::stoi(entry); std::getline(ststrm,entry); feet = std::stoi(entry);
USLength centerField(yards,feet,0);//you might need namespace
BaseballPark bbpark(franchise,stadium,city,capacity,centerField); // YOUR code here
Upload your USLength class files as well as your code if you make some changes onUSLength class.