1 Introduction
Rock, Paper, Scissors is a simple hand game that is played around the world, with many different names and variations. It is commonly used as a way of coming to decisions, and in some cases is even played for sport. The rules require that competing players use one hand to form one of three shapes at an agreedupon time. The person that plays the strongest “object” is the winner of the game. It’s that easy! Rock Paper Scissors is a simple game that anybody can play and win.
You beat another player if your choice "beats" theirs in the following way:
• Rock beats Scissors
• Scissors beat Paper
• Paper beats Rock
Each round you score 1 for every other player you beat.
The first player to score 10 or more points wins the game. In case of a tie, the tying players play against each other until there is one winner.
2 Requirements
Implement a web application that simulates a rock, paper, scissors game. For each round, the computer will guess and display a rock, paper, or scissors symbol.
1. Users are able to sign up for an account to play a game.
2. Users are able to sign in before start playing a game.
3. One of the 3 (Rock, Paper, Scissor) buttons is clicked.
4. The computer then randomly generates a rock, paper, or scissors.
5. The user’s choice and computer’s choice are checked.
6. The user’s score or the computer’s score is increased by one or no one’s score (a tie) is raised.
7. Update all the page’s results so the user is aware of what happened.
8. You should have a graphical version of what the user and computer each chose, as well as a visual cue as to who won
A simple snapshot of this game is shown as below:
Page 1 / 2
3 Technologies
• CSS3 Sprites
• HTML5/6
• Bootstrap
• a front-end framework (like REACT, Angulars, vue.js, pug etc)
• JavaScript
• jQuery and Ajax
• Sass