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 SIE508 Extending the Inventory Management Solved

This is to extend the provided CRUD data management layer from class with the capability to store the inventory records to and read them from a file.  

 We are building a Inventory Management system in class using the MVC paradigm. The given basic backend code only manages records in main memory and after the program is finished the records are gone.

 This is to extend this code with the functionality keep all records in a file, read them from the file when requested, and make all updates directly to the file for each CRUD function.  

 The file I/O Python interface should be used. You can store the data to a simple text file using a comma-separated-value format or to an excel-based file with the appropriate Python file I/O reader/writer.  

1.  A .zip file with all the .py files,  and the storage file.

2. A short video demonstrating the functionality of the program, showing a file before and after A) an insert new record statement, B) a update record statement and C) a delete record statement. .

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