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SI507- Project 3 Solved

Project Overview
Learning Goals

●      Be able to import data from CSV files and JSON into a relational database

●      Be able to write a range of SQL queries to extract data from a relational database

●      Gain experience writing interactive command line programs that support a range of commands and options


You will write a program that creates a database to store information about gourmet chocolate bars. This data was originally retrieved from Kaggle (, but you will be working with a cleaned-up version of the data. You will also be working with JSON data that was retrieved from Both data files are provided to you in the starter files directory.


After loading the data into the database, you will add the ability for a user to issue several different types of queries to extract information from the database.


To get started, get the data sources and the starter files from this Dropbox folder.


When you are done, turn in your version of the file to Canvas.

Part 1: Populating the Database (60 points)
For part 1 you need to create a new database and add data to it from the files flavors_of_cacao_cleaned.csv and countries.json that are included in the starter repo. To work with the unit tests we have provided, you will need to use the following table and column names.


Table: Bars
Id (primary key)
Primary key, assigned by DB
Name of the company who makes the bar
The name of the bar itself, or sometimes the name of the bean
Dunno what this is.
Date review was done
% of cocoa in the bar
Foreign key - points to Countries
Rating given by chocolate experts
Category of the cocoa bean
Foreign key - points to Countries


Table: Countries
Id (primary key)
Primary key, assigned by DB
2 letter country code
3 letter country code
English name for country
Broad region where country is located.
More specific subregion where country is located.
Country’s population
Country’s area in km2

Note that the Bars table references the Countries table twice--with two Foreign Keys. You will need to make sure that all of the relations are correctly inserted into your database.



Your process_command function must be able to support four main commands, along with a variety of parameters for each. The four commands are ‘bars’, ‘companies’, ‘countries’, and ‘regions.’ Each command supports parameters and provides results as detailed below.


●      bars

○      Description: Lists chocolate bars, according the specified parameters.

○      Parameters:

■      sellcountry=<alpha2 | sourcecountry=<alpha2 | sellregion=<name | sourceregion=<name [default: none]

●      Description: Specifies a country or region within which to limit the results, and also specifies whether to limit by the seller (or manufacturer) or by the bean origin source.

■      ratings | cocoa [default: ratings]

●      Description: Specifies whether to sort by rating or cocoa percentage

■      top=<limit | bottom=<limit [default: top=10]

●      Description: Specifies whether to list the top <limit matches or the bottom <limit matches.

●      companies

○      Description: Lists chocolate bars sellers according to the specified parameters. Only companies that sell more than 4 kinds of bars are listed in results.

○      Parameters:

■      country=<alpha2 | region=<name [default: none]

●      Description: Specifies a country or region within which to limit the results.

■      ratings | cocoa | bars_sold [default: ratings]

●      Description: Specifies whether to sort by rating, cocoa percentage, or the number of different types of bars sold

■      top=<limit | bottom=<limit [default: top=10]

●      Description: Specifies whether to list the top <limit matches or the bottom <limit matches.

●      countries

○      Description: Lists countries according to specified parameters. Only countries that sell/source more than 4 kinds of bars are listed in results.

○      Parameters:

■      region=<name [default: none]

●      Description: Specifies a region within which to limit the results.

■      sellers | sources [default: sellers]

●      Description: Specifies whether to select countries based sellers or bean sources.

■      ratings | cocoa | bars_sold [default: ratings]

●      Description: Specifies whether to sort by rating, cocoa percentage, or the number of different types of bars sold

■      top=<limit | bottom=<limit [default: top=10]

●      Description: Specifies whether to list the top <limit matches or the bottom <limit matches.

●      regions

○      Description: Lists regions according to specified parameters. Only regions that sell/source more than 4 kinds of bars are listed in results.

○      Parameters:

■      sellers | sources [default: sellers]

●      Description: Specifies whether to select countries based sellers or bean sources.

■      ratings | cocoa | bars_sold [default: ratings]

●      Description: Specifies whether to sort by rating, cocoa percentage, or the number of different types of bars sold

■      top=<limit | bottom=<limit [default: top=10]

●      Description: Specifies whether to list the top <limit matches or the bottom <limit matches.



Return Values
The return value for process_command( ) varies depending on the command issued. Matching the return values as specified is essential for passing the unit tests.


The mapping of commands to outputs is as follows:


Return Value
Source Columns for tuple values
'SpecificBeanBarName','Company', 'CompanyLocation', 'Rating', 'CocoaPercent', 'BroadBeanOrigin'
'Company', 'CompanyLocation', <agg

Where "agg" is the requested aggregation (i.e., average rating or cocoa percent, or number of bars sold)
'Country', 'Region', <agg

Where "agg" is the requested aggregation (i.e., average rating or cocoa percent, or number of bars sold)
'Region', <agg

Where "agg" is the requested aggregation (i.e., average rating or cocoa percent, or number of bars sold)
●      [100 points] Implement commands with all parameters

○      ~ 25 points each command, includes passing tests

Part 3: Interactive Capabilities [40 points]
Implement a command line interface to allow a user to specify queries using the language and syntax described in Part 2. The only things you’ll need to add in this part are

●      prompting the user for input

●      formatting the output “nicely”

●      adding basic error handling (i.e., not crashing the program on invalid inputs)


Here is an example run:


spinoza$ python3


Enter a command: bars ratings

Chuao           Amedei          Italy           5.0  70%  Venezuela (B...

Toscano Blac... Amedei          Italy           5.0  70%  Unknown

Pablino         A. Morin        France          4.0  70%  Peru

Chuao           A. Morin        France          4.0  70%  Venezuela (B...


Chanchamayo ... A. Morin        France          4.0  63%  Peru

Morobe          Amano           United State... 4.0  70%  Papua New Gu...

Guayas          Amano           United State... 4.0  70%  Ecuador

Porcelana       Amedei          Italy           4.0  70%  Venezuela (B...

Nine            Amedei          Italy           4.0  75%  Unknown

Madagascar      Amedei          Italy           4.0  70%  Madagascar


Enter a command: bars sellcountry=US cocoa bottom=5

Peru, Madaga... Ethel's Arti... United State... 2.5  55%  Unknown

Trinidad        Ethel's Arti... United State... 2.5  55%  Trinidad and...

O'ahu, N. Sh... Guittard        United State... 3.0  55%  United State...

O'ahu, N. Sh... Malie Kai (G... United State... 3.5  55%  United State...

O'ahu, N. Sh... Malie Kai (G... United State... 2.8  55%  United State...


Enter a command: companies region=Europe bars_sold

Bonnat          France          27

Pralus          France          25

A. Morin        France          23

Domori          Italy           22

Valrhona        France          21

Hotel Chocol... United Kingd... 19

Coppeneur       Germany         18

Zotter          Austria         17

Artisan du C... United Kingd... 16

Szanto Tibor    Hungary         15


Enter a command: companies ratings top=8

Amedei          Italy           3.8

Patric          United State... 3.8

Idilio (Felc... Switzerland     3.8

Benoit Nihan... Belgium         3.7

Cacao Sampak... Spain           3.7

Bar Au Choco... United State... 3.6


Soma            Canada          3.6

Brasstown ak... United State... 3.6


Enter a command: countries bars_sold

United State... Americas        764

France          Europe          156

Canada          Americas        125

United Kingd... Europe          107

Italy           Europe          63

Ecuador         Americas        55

Australia       Oceania         49

Belgium         Europe          40

Switzerland     Europe          38

Germany         Europe          35


Enter a command: countries region=Asia ratings

Viet Nam        Asia            3.4

Israel          Asia            3.2

Korea (Repub... Asia            3.2

Japan           Asia            3.1


Enter a command: regions bars_sold

Americas        1085

Europe          568

Oceania         70

Asia            46

Africa          26


Enter a command: regions ratings

Oceania         3.3

Asia            3.2

Europe          3.2

Americas        3.2

Africa          3.0


Enter a command: bad command

Command not recognized: bad command


Enter a command:


Enter a command: bars nothing

Command not recognized: bars nothing


Enter a command: exit


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