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SI206 Homework 7- APIs, JSON, and Caching Solution

In this assignment, you will get data on movies using the OMDB API. You will also store the data in a cache file so that you can retrieve the data from the cache instead of requesting data from the API repeatedly.
We have provided the following in the starter code:
1. read_cache(CACHE_FNAME): This function reads JSON from the cache file and returns a dictionary from the cache data. If the file doesn't exist, it returns an empty dictionary.
2. main() function
3. Test cases to test the functions you will write
Before you proceed to the tasks:
You will need an API key for this HW. You can generate your key here: apikey.aspx
Assign your API key to the variable API_KEY on line 13!
Strongly Recommended
Choose an online JSON viewer. We recommend printing the API data/cache data and pasting it in the viewer to examine the structure of the data. Here are few of the many available options for JSON viewers:
____________________________________________________________________________ Tasks - You will write the following functions.
def write_cache(CACHE_FNAME, CACHE_DICT):
This function encodes the cache dictionary (CACHE_DICT) into JSON format and writes the JSON to the cache file (CACHE_FNAME) to save the search results.
def create_request_url(title):
This function prepares and returns the request url for the API call.
The documentation of the API parameters is at
Make sure you provide the following parameters besides the title when preparing the request url:
1. type: one of movie, series, episode
2. plot: set to short
3. r: set to json
Example of a request URL for movie title The Dark Knight: Dark
The API key has been blurred out since one shouldn't share API keys publicly
def get_data_with_caching(title, CACHE_FNAME):
This function uses the passed movie title to first generate a request_url (using the create_request_url function). It then checks if this URL is in the dictionary returned by the function read_cache. If the request_url exists as a key in the dictionary, it should print "Using cache for <title>" and return the results for that request_url.
If the request_url does not exist in the dictionary, the function should print "Fetching data for <title>" and make a call to the OMDB API to get the movie data.
If data is found for the movie, it should add it to a dictionary (the key is the request_url, and the value is the results) and write out the dictionary to a file using write_cache.
DO NOT WRITE THIS DATA TO THE CACHE FILE! Print "Movie Not Found!" and return None
If there was an exception during the search (for reasons such as no network connection, etc), it should print out "Exception" and return None.
def top_movies_rated(rated, CACHE_FNAME):
This function returns the top ten movies on the basis of the genre specified. For example, if the “Rated”= “PG”, the function will return top ten movies in a list ranked by their imdbRating
Example Output

Grading Rubric
def test_write_cache - 5 points
● 5 points for writing the JSON data correctly to the cache file
def test_create_request_url - 5 points
● 2 points for including the API key in the request URL
● 2 points for including the movie title in the request URL
● 1 point for including the remaining 3 parameters - plot, type, r
def test_get_data_with_caching - 35 points
● 5 points for correctly getting existing data from the cache file
● 5 points for getting new data using the request_url from the API
● 5 points for checking if the data was found for the movie title provided
● 5 points for adding data to the cache dictionary and cache file only for movies that exist
● 5 points for writing out the changed cache dictionary to the cache file
● 5 points for returning the correct result & type
● 5 points for printing "Exception" if there was an exception and returning "None"
def test_top_movies_rated - 15 points
● 3 points for returning a list
● 3 points for sorting the items in the list on the basis of imdbRating
● 3 points for returning no more than the number of movies required
● 3 points for returning the right values in the list
● 3 points for using the imdbRating as the rating measure
Extra Credit - 6 points
def movie_list(cost, CACHE_FNAME):
The function calls read_cache() to get the movie data stored in the cache file. It analyzes the dictionary returned by read_cache() to return a list of all the movies that have received more than the passed in BoxOffice cost in an ascending sorted list of tuples """
def movie_list - 6 points
● 3 points for returning the correct number of items in an ascending sorted list of tuples
● 3 points for the right movies in the list of tuples

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