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SI206 Homework #3 - Make a Magic 8 Ball Solution

For this assignment, you will be writing a Magic 8 Ball class with the following:
● A constructor (__init__) method: The constructor will initialize a new Magic_8 object from the passed list of all possible answers.
○ Set answer_list to the passed list of possible answers.
○ Set question_list to an empty list. This will hold all the questions that have been asked.
○ Set answer_history_list to an empty list. This will hold the indices of all of the answers that have been generated.

● __str__ method: It should return a string with all of the answers in answer_list separated by commas, For example : "No, Yes, Better not tell you now."

● check_question method: Checks if the current question is already in the question_list and if so returns “I already answered that question!”, otherwise it adds the current question to the question_list and returns the answer from shake_ball.

● shake_ball method: Returns a random answer from the answer_list. It randomly picks an index from 0 to the number of possible answers minus one (hint: use the random module). It adds the index to the end of the answer_history_list. It returns a string containing the answer at that index (not the index).
● print_history method: Prints the content of the answer_history_list with the answer index in [ ] and each question and answer on a separate line. It does not return anything. If there are no items in answer_history_list it should print "None yet".

● main() function: Loops until the user types “quit” getting a question from the user, calls the check_question method, and prints the question and response from check_question as "question - answer" as shown below.

● Example Output From
Sample output from the main method:

Sample output from the test method:

NOTE: Your output will not look exactly like this because we are using random and can’t predict what it will return.
NOTE 2: You are welcome to replace the answers we have provided in the main function with your favorite responses
Grading Rubric - Total of 60 points
● 5 points - the __init__ method sets the object's answer_list correctly to the passed answer_list and sets both the object's answer_history_list and question_list to an empty list
● 5 points - the __str__ method returns a string with all answers in answer_list separated by commas : "Yes, No, It depends”
● 5 points - the check_answer method returns “I already answered that question!” if the question has already been asked
● 10 points - the check_answer method calls the shake_ball method and returns the answer when the user asks a new question and adds the passed question to the question_list.
● 10 points - the shake_ball method returns a random answer and saves the index of the answer at the end of the answer_history_list
● 5 points - the print_history function prints "None Yet" when there are no items in answer_history_list.
● 10 points - print_history prints "[index] Question - Answer" for each of the questions in the question_list and answer_history_list in order and on a separate line.
● 10 points - the main() function loops until the user enters "quit" and each time asks the users for a question and prints the "question - response".

This grading rubric shows how you will gain points, but not all the ways you could lose points.
Extra Credit - 6 points
Implement the following method: Create the generate_n_responses method. It takes a number as an input: n, Ex: 200. It generates random answers n times by calling shake_ball and returns the index and length of the longest consecutive run for an answer index. You should first reset answer_history_list to an empty list. A run is a repetition of the same number consecutively in a list.
Ex: If 10 random answers were [1,5,6,3,2,4,1,4,4,4] then three 4's is the longest run
Hence the function should return “longest run was length of 3 for index 4” Extra Credit Example Output:

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