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SER321 Assignment 1- Linux and Setup Solution

This assignment is mostly about setup and learning things you will need in the future: working on the command line, using Wireshark to analyze traffic and working with Gradle.
1 Network traffic
This section is comprised of a collection of activities exploring networking protocols and tools for the data link, network (IP), and transport (TCP) layers of the network stack. Advise: Do not just copy paste the command, this sometimes leads to issues when done from a PDF.
You will need to create a document in which you will add all screen shots, answers etc. Please structure your document according to the tasks and activities in the assignment.
Learning outcomes
• Understand the nature of network traffic on your local computing device.
• Understand the nature of network traffic at the data link, network, and transport layers.
• Gain basic competency using common command-line and GUI tools to analyze network traffic and routing.
• Explore the utility of the data link layer through the ARP protocol.
• Identify the structures in IP and TCP packets.
• Understanding packet routing (paths) across the open Internet.
Tools needed
• Ipconfig / ifconfig provide information regarding your network interfaces
• The arp command has different flags on Windows and Linux, but allows you to see how data link and network layer addressing are bound on your local computer
• The watch command will run a command repeatedly on a set interval (Unix)
• The netcat command gives you a command-line network tool to communicate over sockets using specific protocols and ports.
• The netstat command displays comprehensive network information, including socket states
• Wireshark is a packet sniffing application with mature facilities to filter and capture network traffic. There is an overview video on using Wireshark in the course shell.
1.1 Explore the Data Link Layer with ARP (25 points)
Step 1: Capture a Trace
1 Find the Ethernet address of the main network interface of your computer with the ifconfig / ipconfig command. You will want to know this address for later analysis. Among the output will be a section for the main interface of the computer (likely an Ethernet interface) and its Ethernet address. Common names for the interface are "eth0", "en0", or "Ethernet adapter".

Deliverable: Provide a screen capture of your calls to identify your network interface and gateway.

Deliverable: Provide a screen capture of your Wireshark instance with the appropriate filters.

Deliverable: Provide screen captures of your arp -a and arp -d commands. After running the arp -d be sure to run arp -a again to demonstrate the node successfully deleted.
5 Clear your entire ARP cache using arp -d (you need to lookup the proper flag). Also clear your Wireshark entries.
6 Once you have captured some ARP traffic, stop the capture. You will need the trace, plus the Ethernet address of your computer and the IP address of the default gateway for the next steps.

Deliverable: Capture the updated trace in Wireshark and add to your document.
Step 2: Inspect the Trace
1. Find and select an ARP request for the default gateway and examine its fields. There are two kinds of ARP packets, a request and a reply, and we will look at each one in turn. The Info line for the request will start with "Who has ...". You want to look for one of these packets that asks for the MAC address of the default gateway, e.g., "Who has xx.xx.xx.xx ..." where xx.xx.xx.xx is your default gateway. You can click on the + expander or icon for the Address Resolution Protocol block to view the fields:
• Hardware and Protocol type are set to constants that tell us the hardware is Ethernet and the protocol is IP. This matches the ARP translation from IP to Ethernet address.
• Hardware and Protocol size are set to 6 and 4, respectively. These are the sizes of Ethernet and IP addresses in bytes.
• The opcode field tells us that this is a request.
• Next come the four key fields, the sender MAC (Ethernet) and IP and the target MAC (Ethernet) and IP. These fields are filled in as much as possible. For a request, the sender knows their MAC and IP address and fills them in. The sender also knows the target IP address it is the IP address for which an Ethernet address is wanted. But the sender does not know the target MAC address, so it does not fill it in.
2. Next, select an ARP reply and examine its fields.
• The Hardware and Protocol type and sizes are set as before.
• The opcode field has a different value that tells us that this is a reply.
Next come the four key fields, the sender MAC (Ethernet) and IP and the target MAC (Ethernet) and IP just as before. These fields are reversed from the corresponding request, since the old target is the new sender (and vice versa). The fields should be filled in since both computers supplied their addresses.

Deliverable: Capture the ARP request and reply from this step and add to your document.
Step 3: Details of ARP over Ethernet
1. What opcode is used to indicate a request? What about a reply?
2. How large is the ARP header for a request? What about for a reply?
3. What value is carried on a request for the unknown target MAC address?
4. What Ethernet Type value indicates that ARP is the higher layer protocol?
Deliverable: Submit your answers to these questions.
1.2 Understanding TCP network sockets (12.5 points)
1. The network should be observed for a period of at least 10 minutes during which a decent amount of network activity takes place. Network activity in this context would mean basic web browsing - emails, social media, streaming. Ideally a mix of the mentioned activities. Another option would be, to set this up in a terminal window and then do activities 4 and 5.
2. This network activity observation should be done via netstat. You’ll need to continuously monitor the output of the netstat command. This must be automated/scripted.
a) The watch, grep, and netstat commands could be one way to do this.
b) Grab readings every 30 seconds and filter for socket connections that are in state ESTABLISHED or LISTEN. You will need to find out the command to use here.
3. Once you have the required data points, import them into Excel or a suitable graphing tool and make a line chart of each socket state count over the 10-minute period.
Deliverable: Raw data and graph of socket states over the 10 minutes. The graph should be included in your document as well for us to easily view.
1.3 Sniffing TCP/UDP traffic (12.5 points)
Step 1 (TCP)
1. Setup Wireshark to intercept and log network traffic.
a) Start a trace on the Loopback: lo0 interface with a filter on the tcp port, tcp.port=3333. The port here could be anything between 1K and 48K, but let’s use 3333.
2. To generate traffic we are going to use netcat. netcat is a utility program for reading from and writing to network connections using TCP or UDP.
a) To read, run on the command line: nc -k -l 3333. Keep the command window open after running this. Please make sure that port number here (3333) matches the port number set as a filter in step 1a and the port number in 2b.
b) To write, run on the command line: nc 3333. After running the command, in the same window, type in
SER321 Rocks!
c) Make sure that you type the above as it is, with a newline in between
3. Stop the Wireshark recording and save the output as a Wireshark capture file.
4. To stop both the commands from 2, press Ctrl + C on the terminal windows running the commands.
5. Using the capture file (open it with Wireshark), answer the following questions
a) How many frames were needed to capture those 2 lines?
b) How many packets were needed to capture those 2 lines?
c) How many total bytes went over the wire? How much overhead was there (basically the percentage of traffic that was not needed to send SER321 Rocks!)?
Step 2 (UDP)
1. Setup Wireshark to intercept and log network traffic.
a) Start a trace on the Loopback: lo0 interface with a filter on the tcp port, udp.port=3333. The port here could be anything between 1K and 48K.
2. To generate traffic
a) To read, run on the command line: nc -k -l -u 3333. Keep the command window open after running this. Please make sure that port number here (3333) matches the port number set as a filter in step 1a and the port number in 2b.
b) To write, run on the command line: nc -u 3333. After running the command, in the same window, type
SER321 Rocks!
c) Make sure that you type the above as it is, with a newline in between
3. Stop the Wireshark recording and save the output as a Wireshark capture file.
4. To stop both the commands from 2, press Ctrl + C on the terminal windows running the commands.
5. Using the capture file (open it with Wireshark), answer the following questions
a) How many frames were needed to capture those 2 lines?
b) How many packets were needed to capture those 2 lines?
c) How many total bytes went over the wire? How much overhead was there (percent of bytes not in the above 2 lines)?
d) What is the difference in relative overhead between UDP and TCP and why? Specifically, what kind of information was exchanged in TCP that was not exchanged in UDP? Show the relative parts of the packet traces.
• TCP: Wireshark capture
• TCP: netstat commands
• TCP: Answers to the questions in 5
• UDP: Wireshark capture
• UDP: netstat commands
• UDP: Answers to the questions in 5
1.4 Internet Protocol (IP) Routing (20 points)
1. Download and install Open Visual Traceroute OR you can use traceroute (*nix), tracert (windows) commands.
2. Open ’OpenVisualTraceroute’ and on your home network, do a traceroute to Export the results from OVT to a CSV.
a) If using traceroute/tracert, run traceroute
b) The results of the above commands would have to be manually exported to a CSV file (copied).
3. Switch to a different network. Possibilities are local coffee shops, libraries (if they do not block traceroute traffic), or mobile hotspot. Repeat #2
4. SSH into (everyone at ASU has an account using their ASURITE credentials).
a) SSH using: ssh Enter your ASURITE password when prompted.
b) Run ping−c 5−R This will transmit 5 ICMP_ECHO packets, and the RR info will be pretty much what traceroute gives you without the stepwise latency. The final address will be in the ping.
5. Now compare the 3 routes and answer the following questions
a) Which is the fastest?
b) Which has the fewest hops?
c) Which runs its traffic through a bridge? – maybe take this out...
• Route 1 (ASU Network)
• Route 2 (Non-ASU Network)
• Route 3 (SSH)
• Answers to the questions in 5
2 Submission
On Canvas submit the link to your GitHub repo "ser321-spring2021-A-asurite". In the main/master branch you should now have 6 folders (one for each assignment). In Assignment1 you should have:
• Document with all your answers/explanations named LowerLayers_asurite.pdf
• Your Wireshark captured traces and raw data that was asked in the specific sections

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