In this group assignment, you will do a hi-fidelity prototype of your semester project. You will evaluate your interface with a small user test (of SENG2260/SENG6260 students only) and write a final report.
Presentation and Prototype Implementation
Your group video will demonstrate your implementation/prototype. Your video should be 10-15 minutes.
During the video presentation, your group should:
• brief us about your application’s purpose and target demographic
• take us on a guided tour of the interface, using concrete examples driven by your scenarios
• provide an overview of your design decisions, development process and usability testing.
Video files can be large and tools like Handbrake should be used to convert raw video to MP4 files suitable for upload. Rather than uploading directly to Blackboard, you can host your video elsewhere (YouTube, Vimeo etc) and submit a URL for the video to be downloaded for marking.
User Testing
Before conducting further user tests, perform a heuristic evaluation within your group. Use Nielsen’s 10 heuristics http://www.nngroup.com/articles/ten-usability-heuristics/
Find at least 3 users from the SENG2260/SENG6260 class. All should be willing to participate voluntarily.
Hi-fidelity prototypes can be developed using a tool such as “Just in Mind” from http://www.justinmind.com/, as interactive PowerPoint presentations or via game engines such as Unity3D
(https://unity3d.com/), Unreal Engine (https://www.unrealengine.com/what-is-unreal-engine-4), or via the HoloLens emulator (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/mixed-reality/using-the-hololensemulator). You are not limited to any technology but the UI should have increased interactive features.
The demo option is offered because some interfaces are learned primarily by watching someone else use the interface. Think carefully about whether your interface is in this category before you decide to use a demo, because the demo will cost you information. Once you have demonstrated how to use a feature, you forfeit the chance to observe how the user would have learned to use it alone.
Pilot test your briefing, demo, and tasks, before you test your users. You can use another member of the class for your pilot testing, if you wish.
Conduct a formative evaluation with each user:
• Provide your briefing and (optional) demo.
• Then provide the tasks one at a time, observe, and take notes.
We do not recommend that you videotape your users. However, if you want a record of the user test to supplement your notes, you can use the screen capture options or via a Zoom session.
Collect the usability problems found by your user tests into a list. Assign each problem a severity rating (negligible, minor, major, catastrophic), and brainstorm possible solutions for the problems. Final Report
Write a final report describing your complete project. The report should have the following parts:
• Problem domain [/5] What user problem are you trying to solve? Who are the users? What are their important tasks? (Much of this section can be based (and extended) on material from the previous submission but not just cut-and-paste – there are marks involved). What emotional state would be ideal for your users to be in?
• Design [/10] Describe the final design of your interface. Illustrate with screenshots. Point out important design decisions and discuss the design alternatives that you considered. Particularly, discuss design decisions that were motivated by the early evaluations you conducted. Justify the choice of colours, fonts, images, white space and other aesthetic decisions.
• Evaluation [/30] Describe how you conducted your user tests. Describe how you found your users and how representative they are of your target user population. Describe how users were briefed and what tasks they performed; if you did a demo for them as part of your briefing, justify that decision. List the usability problems you found, and discuss how you might solve them. Discuss any problems you found with the testing procedure. Include all scenarios, briefings and data collected during evaluation. Summarise and analyse the data as well as material drawn from user satisfaction questionnaires or interviews. This section should comprise the majority of your report.
• Reflection [/30] Discuss what you learned over the course of the iterative design process. If you did it again, what would you do differently? Focus in this part is not on the specific design decisions of your project (which you already discussed in the Design section), but instead on the meta-level decisions about your design process: your risk assessments, your decisions about what features to prototype and which prototype techniques to use, how you evaluated the results of your observations and what the next steps would be. This section will probably be the most valuable section of your report.
• Minutes and summary of meetings [/5] Attach all minutes along with a summary of meetings. In the summary/table comment on attendance (especially if one group member is constantly absent or late), action lists and whether they were completed on time (if not, why not and what was done in response), major decisions made regarding the project and a commentary on group dynamics (is performance of all group members satisfactory?)
• Report format/readability [/10]
SENG6260 extra component:
Students enrolled in SENG6260 must also complete an individual 2-3 page essay on the project and reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of low and hi-fidelity prototyping for advanced interfaces as targeted in the project this year. This should be uploaded as a separate PDF to Blackboard and will contribute 5% of your Final Report mark (see SENG6260 marking form on Blackboard).
The marking form for this assignment is available with this assignment specification on Blackboard. The main deliverables of this assignment are:
• Final Report (1 per group) to be submitted via Blackboard
• Presentation video (1 per group) to be submitted via Blackboard (or a URL to a hosted video)
• Essay (1 per student SENG6260 students only)
• Reports should be submitted as a single PDF document.
• On time: 0.78 *1.00 * 15 = final mark = 11.7
• 1 day late: 0.78 * 0.90 * 15 = final mark = 10.53
• 3 days late: 0.78 * 0.70 * 15 = final mark = 8.19