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RL-Homework 1 Solving Sudoku by SAT Solved

In this homework, you will use a SAT solver to solve Sudoku.

(1)  Read a Sudoku puzzle from the input

(2)  Encode into CNF

(3)  Use MiniSat to find an assignment to CNF (if satisfiable)

(4)  Output solution from the assignment

(5)  Or print “NO” (if the puzzle is not solvable)

2. Input / Output 
Each input file contains a puzzle that

(1)  has a size 𝑁Í𝑁, and

(2)  is prefilled with numbers 0 to 𝑁, where 0 represents the square is empty.


3. Command line 
Your Sudoku solver should take three arguments:

./solver [Input Puzzle Filename] [Output Puzzle Filename] [MiniSatExe] where MiniSatExe is the filename of the MiniSat executable.

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