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Quantum -Week 10 -Solved


Definition. Let V be a vector space and let A,B ≤ V be subspaces.

•    We say that A is orthogonal to B if for every |ai ∈ A and |bi ∈ B we have ha | bi = 0.

•    Define the sum of A and B to be A + B = n|ai + |bi | |ai ∈ A,|bi ∈ Bo.

1.    Suppose that A and B are orthogonal to each other.

(i) What is dim(A + B)?

(ii)                       Show that P(|vi,A + B) = P(|vi,A) + P(|vi,B).

(iii)                    Show that ΠAΠB = ΠBΠA.

2.    Suppose that A ≤ V and B ≤ W are two subspaces.

(i) Prove that ΠA⊗B = ΠA ⊗ ΠB.

(ii)                       Let ρ and τ be density matrices. Prove that P(ρ ⊗ τ,A ⊗ B) = P(ρ,A)P(τ,B). You may use the fact that Tr(X ⊗ Y ) = Tr(X)Tr(Y ).


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