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Python Project 6-Cassandra, Weather Data Solution

NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) collects weather data from all over the world. In this project, you'll explore how you could (1) store this data in Cassandra, (2) write a server for data collection, and (3) analyze the collected data via Spark. You can find the datasets we are going to be using in the datasets directory of p6.
We'll also explore read/write availability tradeoffs. When always want sensors to be able to upload data, but it is OK if we cannot always read the latest stats (we prefer an error over inconsistent results).
Learning objectives: * create Cassandra schemas involving partition keys and cluster keys * move data between Spark and Cassandra * configure queries to achieve a tradeoff between read and write availability
Before starting, please review the general project directions.
Cluster Setup
We have provided you with a which will download and setup all the necessary files for this project. Note that you might need to give executable permission before running it. You can do this using: wget -O chmod u+x ./
We provide the Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml for this project. You can run the following:
docker build . -t p6-base docker compose up -d
The p6-db-1 container will be running JupyterLab as well. Check the Docker port forwarding configuration and setup a tunnel to connect via your browser.
Create a notebook p6.ipynb in the /nb directory for your work. Use the same format for answers as in past projects (e.g., #q1). It generally takes around 1 to 2 minutes fro the Cassandra cluster to be ready. Write a cell like this: python3 !nodetool status
and if the cluster is ready, it will produce an output like this: Datacenter: datacenter1 ======================= Status=Up/Down |/
State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving -- Address Load Tokens Owns (effective) Host ID Rack UN 70.28
KiB 16 64.1% 90d9e6d3-6632-4721-a78b-75d65c673db1 rack1 UN 70.26 KiB 16 65.9% 635d1361-5675-439989fa-f5624df4a960 rack1 UN 70.28 KiB 16 70.0% 8936a80e-c6b2-42ef-b54d-4160ff08857d rack1
If the cluster is not ready it will generally show an error. If this occurs then wait a little bit and rerun the command and keep doing so until you see that the cluster is ready.
Part 1: Station Data
Schema Creation
Connect to the Cassandra cluster using this code:
python from cassandra.cluster import Cluster cluster = Cluster(['p6-db-1', 'p6-db-2', 'p6-db-3']) cass = cluster.connect()
Then write code to do the following:
drop a weather keyspace if it already exists create a weather keyspace with 3x replication inside weather, create a station_record type containing two ints: tmin and tmax inside weather, create a stations table
Q1: What is the Schema of stations?
You can execute describe table weather.stations and extract the create_statement as your answer. It should look something like this:
'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy', 'max_threshold': '32', 'min_threshold':
'4'} AND compression = {'chunk_length_in_kb': '16', 'class':
''} AND memtable = 'default' AND crc_check_chance = 1.0
AND default_time_to_live = 0 AND extensions = {} AND gc_grace_seconds = 864000 AND max_index_interval = 2048 AND memtable_flush_period_in_ms = 0 AND min_index_interval = 128 AND read_repair = 'BLOCKING' AND speculative_retry = '99p';"
Station Data
Create a local Spark session like this:
python from pyspark.sql import SparkSession spark = (SparkSession.builder .appName("p6") .config('spark.jars.packages', 'com.datastax.spark:spark-cassandra-connector_2.12:3.4.0')
.config("spark.sql.extensions", "com.datastax.spark.connector.CassandraSparkExtensions") .getOrCreate())
Remember that with a local deployment, the executor runs in the same container as your notebook. This means local file paths will work, and you won't use HDFS for anything in this project.
Use Spark and SUBSTRING to extract ID, STATE, and NAME from nb/ghcnd-stations.txt. Reference the documentation to determine the offsets (this contains format descriptions for several different files, so be sure you're reading about the correct one):
Filter your results to the state of Wisconsin, collect the rows in your notebook so you can loop over them, and do an INSERT into your weather.stations table for each station ID and name.
If you did this correctly, then running the query SELECT COUNT(*) FROM weather.stations should produce "1313" as the output.
Q2: what is the name corresponding to station ID USW00014837?
Write a Cassandra query to obtain the answer.
Q3: what is the token for the USC00470273 station?
Q4: what is the first vnode token in the ring following the token for USC00470273?
You can use check_output to run nodetool ring. Then write some code to parse the output, loop over the ring and find the correct vnode.
Handle the case where the ring "wraps around" (meaning the row token is bigger than any vnode).
Part 2: Weather Data
Now you'll write gRPC-based nb/ file that receives temperature data and records it to weather.stations. You could imagine various sensor devices acting as clients that make gRPC calls to to record data, but for simplicity we'll make the client calls from p6.ipynb.
Build the station.proto we provide to get and station_pb2_grpc (consider reviewing P3 for how to do this).
In, implement the interface from station_pb2_grpc.StationServicer. RecordTemps will insert new temperature highs/lows to weather.stations. StationMax will return the maximum tmax ever seen for the given station.
Each call should use a prepared statement to insert or access data in weather.stations. It could be something like this:
```python from cassandra import ConsistencyLevel
insert_statement = cass.prepare("????") insert_statement.consistency_level = ConsistencyLevel.ONE max_statement = cass.prepare("????") max_statement.consistency_level = ???? ```
Note that W = 1 (ConsistencyLevel.ONE) because we prioritize high write availability. The thought is that real sensors might not have much space to save old data that hasn't been uploaded, so we want to accept writes whenever possible. Host your server on port 5440.
Choose R so that R + W > RF. We want to avoid a situation where a StationMax returns a smaller temperature than one previously added with RecordTemps; it would be better to return an error message if necessary. HINT: You could use register_user_type to insert the station record data into the database.
Error Handling
Note that RecordTempsReply and StationMaxReply both have a string field called error.
For a successful request, these should contain the empty string, "".
If executing a Cassandra statement raises a cassandra.Unavailable except e, then the error should have a string like this:
python 'need 3 replicas, but only have 2'
The specific for the error message can be found in e.required_replicas and e.alive_replicas, respectively.
Sometimes cassandra.Unavailable is wrapped inside a cassandra.cluster.NoHostAvailable exception. If you catch a
NoHostAvailable exception e, loop over the values in the e.errors dictionary. If any of these values are of type cassandra.Unavailable, use it to generate the same error as earlier (like 'need 3 replicas, but only have 1').
For other errors/exceptions, you can decide what the error message should be (we recommend choosing something that will help you debug).
Running the server
Launch your server in the same container as your notebook. There are multiple ways you could do this -- one option is to run docker exec from your VM, using a command like this:
docker exec -it p6-db-1 python3 /nb/
Data Upload
Q5: what is the max temperature ever seen for station USW00014837?
The code in your notebook cell should make an RPC call to your server to obtain the answer.
Part 3: Spark Analysis
stations view
Create a temporary view in Spark named stations that corresponds to the stations table in Cassandra.
Hint: you already enabled CassandraSparkExtensions when creating your Spark session, so you can create a Spark DataFrame corresponding to a Cassandra table like this:
python"org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra") .option("", "p6-db1,p6-db-2,p6-db-3") .option("keyspace", ????) .option("table", ????) .load()
Q6: what tables/views are available in the Spark catalog?
You can answer with this:
python spark.catalog.listTables()
Q7: what is the average difference between tmax and tmin, for each of the four stations that have temperature records?
Use Spark to compute the answer, and convert to dict for your output, like this:
python {'USW00014839': 89.6986301369863, 'USR0000WDDG': 102.06849315068493, 'USW00014837': 105.62739726027397, 'USW00014898': 102.93698630136986} Part 4: Disaster Strikes
Important: run a docker command to kill the p6-db-2 container.
Q8: what does nodetool status output?
You can use the ! COMMAND technique to show the output in a cell. Verify that you see that one of the nodes is down before proceeding to the next steps.
Q9: if you make a StationMax RPC call, what does the error field contain in StationMaxReply reply?
Choose any station you like for the call.
Q10: if you make a RecordTempsRequest RPC call, what does error contain in the RecordTempsReply reply?
We should be able to run the following on your submission to create the mini cluster:
docker compose up -d
We should the be able to launch your server like this:
docker exec -it p6-db-1 python3 /nb/
We should also be able to open http://localhost:5000/lab, find your notebook, and run it.
Verify that your submission repo has a structure similar to this and should contain at least the specified files. It can have additional files but it should definetly contain the files shown below:
. ├── Dockerfile ├── ├── ├── docker-compose.yml ├── nb │ ├── p6.ipynb │ ├── │ ├── station.proto ├── ├── └── Testing:
We also be using an autograder to verify your solution which you can run yourself by running the following command in the p6 directory: python3
This will create a autograder_result directory with the following content: * result.ipynb : This will contain the result of the autograder running your notebook. You can look at this to debug your code * nb_runner.out : This will contain both the stdout and stderr from running the autograder. You can examine this if you run into bugs with the autograder. * server.out : This will contain the stdout and stderr from running your server code. You can examine this to debug your server code
Note that this will shutdown any existing cluster, restart it and re execute the entire notebook. This will take a while so if you want to run the solution on your existing notebook without recreating existing cluster and rerunning the entire notebook then you can use the --existing flag like this: python3 --existing <path_to_existing_file>
Note that when grading your solution, we will be running python3 but the above option is to enable faster development.

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