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PSQL- 3rd Assignment: Exploring Airbnb Data Solved


Explore the Airbnb data through SQL.


A Postgres database that is populated with the Airbnb staging tables from the previous assignment.

Desired Outputs: 

12 SQL queries that include inner and outer joins, where, order by, group by, limit, min, max, avg, distinct, like, between.
A short description of what each query does in plain English, as well as the output rows of each statement.
Calendar, Listings, Reviews, Neighbourhoods and Geolocation tables must be used at least once in the queries.
At least 8 queries must contain an inner join.
At least 2 queries must contain an outer join.
Tools you need: 

Postgres psql or/and pgAdmin

Place all SQL queries in a file named simple_queries.sql
Add short descriptions to the same file in the form of comments. For example
Run and test each query on your Airbnb database
Ensure that each query returns a non-empty result test
Ensure that each query is not trivial
Use the command \i <full_path/filename> in psql to run a SQL script. For example, \i

Useful Links 

Select Statement

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