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PPL212 - Principles of Programming Languages  - Assignment 4 -Solved

Part 0: Preliminaries
Structure of a TypeScript Project
Every TypeScript assignment will come with two very important files:

•   package.json - lists the dependencies of the project.

•   tsconfig.json - specifies the TypeScript compiler options.

Before starting to work on your assignment, open a command prompt in your assignment folder and run npm install to install the dependencies.

What happens when you run npm install and the file package.json is present in the folder is the following:

1.    npm will download all required modules and their dependencies from the internet into the folder node_modules.

2.    A file package-lock.json is created which lists the exact version of all the packages that have been installed.

What tsconfig.json controls is the way the TypeScript compiler (tsc) analyzes and typechecks the code in this project. We will use for all the assignments the strongest form of type-checking, which is called the “strict” mode of the tsc compiler.

Do not delete or change these files (e.g., install new packages or change compiler options), as we will run your code against our own copy of those files, exactly the way we provide them.

If you change these files, your code may run on your machine but not when we test it, which may lead to a situation where you believe your code is correct, but you would fail to pass compilation when we grade the assignment (which means a grade of zero).

Testing Your Code
Every TypeScript assignment will have Mocha and Chai as dependencies for testing purposes. In order to run the tests, save your tests in the test directory in a file ending with .test.ts and run npm test from a command prompt. This will activate the execution of the tests you have specified in the test file and report the results of the tests in a very nice format.

An example test file assignmentX.test.ts might look like this:

import { expect } from "chai"; import { sum } from "../src/assignmentX";

describe("Assignment X", () => { it("sums two numbers", () => {

expect(sum(1, 2)).to.equal(3);



Every function you want to test must be export-ed, for example, in assignmentX.ts, so that it can be import-ed in the .test.ts file 
export const sum = (a: number, b: number) => a + b;

You are given some basic tests in the test directory, just to make sure you are on the right track during the assignment.

Part 1: Theoretical Questions

1.    Which of the following typing statement is true / false, explain why (5 pts).

(a)    {f : [T1 → T2],g : [T1 → T2],a : T1}` (f (g a)) : T2

(b)    {x : T1,y : T2,f : [T2 → T1]}` (f y) : T1

(c)     {f : [T1 → T2]}` (lambda (x) (f x)) : [T1 → T2]

(d)    {f : [T1 ∗ T2 → T3]}` (lambda (x) (f x 100)) : [T1 → T3]

2.    Perform type inference manually on the following expressions, using the Type Equations method. List all the steps of the procedure (12 pts):

(a)    ((lambda (x1) (+ x1 1)) 4)

(b)    ((lambda (f1 x1) (f1 x1 1)) 4 +)

Part 2: Async Fun with TypeScript
Complete the following functions in TypeScript in the file part2/src/part2.ts. You are requested to use generic types where appropriate and provide types as precise as possible (avoid any unless otherwise noted).

Remember that it is crucial you do not remove the export keyword from the code in the given template.

Question 2.1
In this question you are requested to use promises and not to use the async keyword!

(a) (8 pts)

Write a function makePromisedStore<K, V> that returns an object that simulates a remote key-value store like a database or a web-service.

Since we are not really using a remote store, the actual data is going to be stored using a simple JavaScript Map. The object returned from makePromisedStore has the following type that delegates to the Map object:

type PromisedStore<K, V> = { get(key: K): Promise<V>, set(key: K, value: V): Promise<void>, delete(key: K): Promise<void>


For a successful ’get’ the value matching the ’key’ should be resolved. For successful ’set’ and ’delete’ the promise should resolve without any value (just call resolve()).

If a value is missing during ’get’ or ’delete’, you are requested to reject the Promise with the following constant (it exists in the template. Do not create a new one): export const MISSING_KEY = "___MISSING___"

(b) (3 pts)

Write a function, getAll<K, V>, that accepts a promisedStore<K, V> and a list of keys and returns a promise containing a list of the matching values for the store. If a key is missing the promise should reject with the MISSING_KEY constant.

Question 2.2
In this question you are requested to use the async keyword! (Promise is OK only if used as a type, but to not use new Promise(...), Promise.all, Promise.prototype.then, etc.,)

(a)    (10 pts)

Write a function asyncMemo that takes another function that has a single parameter and returns a new function that caches any application of the original function using the PromisedStore from the previous question. Any subsequent application with the same parameter will then use the cached result.

That is, the keys stored in the PromisedStore are the parameter values that the original function was called with and the values in the PromisedStore are those values returned when running the original function with the parameter in the key.

Wrappers like asyncMemo can be used, for example, when the target function has some high cost (e.g., it solves a travelling sales men problem) and we want to maintain a persistent ’memo’ in the (asynchronously accessed) local network, which will enable has to re-use that memo in different executions.

(b)   (2 pts)

The type of asyncMemo is type AsyncMemoType = <T, R>(f: (param: T) => R) => (param: T) => Promise<R> Explain why the wrapped function returns Promise<R> (add to answers.pdf).

Question 2.3
(10 pts)

Write the functions lazyFilter and lazyMap that take a parameter-less generator function and a filter or map callbacks, respectively (you can find the signatures in the template).

These functions then return a new generator function which lazily applies filtering or mapping (respectively) during the iteration. That is, you are requested not to convert the original generator to an array at any point.

Question 2.4
(15 pts)

In this question you can choose whether to use async functions or promises.

Write an async function called asyncWaterfallWithRetry. The function expects an array of async functions as a parameter and runs the functions in sequence, where each function is called with the resolved return value of its predecessor. That is the first, function takes no parameters and any subsequent function has a single parameter that match the resolved return type of its predecessor. To make the typing easier (although not ideal) you can always except at least one input function and you can declare that input functions accept and return type any (except for the first function, which doesn’t have a parameter).

If one of the functions in the list fails (i.e., rejects), then we want to wait 2 seconds using setTimeout and then try again (tip: create a new Promise, and send its resolve as a callback to the setTimeout) . We only retry two times and then re-throw the error if it still happens (that is, we will attempt at most three times to invoke each function). If a function fails three times, asyncWaterfallWithRetry will fail.

Part 3: Type Inference System
In this part, we will work on the Type Inference system studied in class - on the type inference version The code attached to this assignment under part3 contains an updated version of the type inference system with additions towards the following goals, which you will complete:

1.    Complete the type inference code in L5 to support the missing AST expression types program, define, quoted literal expressions and set!.

2.    Extend the L5 language and type inference code to support the class construct as introduced in Assignment 2.

All modifications with respect to the base system discussed in class are marked with comments of the form // L51. You will complete the places marked by the string TODO.

(3.1) Support Type Inference with Program, Define, Quoted Literal Expressions and Set!

(12 pts)

Complement the code in src/part3/src/L51-typeinference.ts so that the type inference system can deal with the L5 AST nodes of type define, program, literal and set!.

In answers.pdf, write the typing rule for define and set! expressions:

Typing rule define:

For every: type environment _Tenv, variable _x1 expressions _e1 and type expressions _S1, _U1:

           If               _Tenv ... |- ...

Then _Tenv |- (define _x1 _e1) : ...

Make sure that this typing rule allows type inference of recursive functions.

Typing rule set!: ...

You must implement the functions typeofDefine, typeofLit, typeofProgram and typeofSet in file src/part3/src/L51-typeinference.ts.

(3.2) Define the Type of Primitives cons, car, cdr
(3 pts)

Extend the procedure typeofPrim in src/part3/src/L51-typecheck.ts so that the type inference system supports the primitives cons, car and cdr. Use the type expression for PairTExp that has been added in src/part3/src/TExp51.ts.

(3.3) Extend L5 with Class Types
(20 pts)

We introduced in Assignment 2 the class construct, with the following syntax:

<cexp> ::= ...

| ( class : <TypeName> ( <varDecl>+ )

( <binding>+ ) ) /

ClassExp(typeName:String, fields:VarDecl[], methods:Binding[]))

We introduce this construct in L5, and support type annotations in classes as in this example. To make type inference more consistent and support methods with parameters, we change slightly the syntax of class methods from what was done in Assignment 2: given a class value c-value (the return value of the class constructor), and a symbol corresponding to the name of a method method, the application expression (c-value method) always returns a closure. (In Assignment 2, this application was returning the application of the closure.)

(define pair

(class : Tpair

((a : number)

(b : number))

((first (lambda () : number a))

(second (lambda () : number b))

(scale (lambda (k) : pair (pair (* k a) (* k b))))

(sum (lambda () : number (+ a b))))))

(define (p34 : Tpair) (pair 3 4))

(define f

(lambda ((x : Tpair))

(* ((x 'first)) ((x 'second)))))

(p34 'first)                          ; --> #<procedure>

((p34 'first)) ; --> 3

((p34 'sum))                     ; --> 7

((p34 'scale) 2) ; --> #pair<6,8>

(f p34)                               ; --> 12

The evaluation of the class expression returns a class constructor, which takes one parameter for each of the fields in the class definition. In the example above, the pair class constructor has type:

[number * number -> Tpair]

The evaluation of a class constructor returns a class value which has the type defined by the class. In the example above, the pair value constructor returns a value of type Tpair.

The definition of a class defines a new user defined compound type, which we call a ClassTExp and which is associated to a TVar. In our example we call it Tpair, which can be used in any place a Type Expression (TExpr) is expected (for example, it is used in the declaration of the p34 variable).

Your mission is to extend the type inference system to support user defined class types. You will need to do the following:

1.    Extend the parser (in file src/part3/src/L51-ast.ts) to support class constructs. This will be similar to what you saw in Assignment 2 but with the extension of type annotations where appropriate. You must implement the function parseGoodClassExp.

2.    Add to the parser (in file src/part3/src/L51-ast.ts) a function const parsedToClassExps: (p: Parsed) => ClassExp[];

to collect the list of typed names in an AST, so that the type inference system can use the corresponding type definitions. This function must be used in makeTEnvFromClasses in file src/part3/src/L51-typeinference.ts. This function scans the AST, collects all user defined types, and inserts them in the TEnv that will be used initially when analyzing the AST to infer its type.

3.    Read the code and learn how the type expression parser (in file src/part3/src/TExp51.ts) has been extended so that class types can be recognized as type expressions, and unparsed. (You do not have to write code about this, the implementation is provided.)

4.    Extend the type inference system to support class expressions in each of their possible positions:

(a)    As operator in an application (e.g., (p34 'sum)). Applying a class value to anything which is not one of the defined method names is a type error. For example, (p34 'x) is a type error. This behavior is implemented in function checkEqualType in L51-typeinference.ts.

(b)    As parameter of an application (e.g., (f p34)).

(c)     As class value constructor (e.g., (pair 1 2))

(d)    As class definition (e.g., (define pair (class ...))). The definitions of the methods in the class definition must be type checked, while taking into account the type of the fields of the class.

To this end, you must define typing rules that concern class types. In these typing rules, use the following notation:

// We extend the 2 rules seen in class for application // with a 3rd rule for the case of class-values as operator:

Typing rule Application:

For every: type environment _Tenv, expressions _f, _e1, ..., _en, n >= 0 , and type expressions _S1, ..., _Sn, _S, and expression _class_value and symbols _m1, ..., _mk, k >= 0 and type expressions _U1, ..., _Uk

Procedure with parameters (n > 0):

           If                     _Tenv |- _f : [_S1 * ... * _Sn -> _S],

_Tenv |- _e1 : _S1, ..., _Tenv |- _en : _Sn Then _Tenv |- (_f _e1 ... _en) : _S

Parameter-less Procedure (n = 0):

If    _Tenv |- _f : [Empty -> _S] Then _Tenv |- (_f) : _S

// New case:

// An expression (class_value 'method) returns a closure // whose type is defined in the class's type Class-value Application and (n = 1):

           If                         _Tenv |- _class_value : ClassTExp[{_mi, _Ui} i = 1..k],

_Tenv |- _e1 = _mi

Then _Tenv |- (_class_value _e1) : _Ui

// A class expression returns a class-value constructor Typing rule ClassExp:

For every: type environment _Tenv,

variables _x1, ..., _xn, n >= 0 symbols _m1, ..., _mk, k >= 0 procedure expressions _p1, ..., _pk and symbol _ct and type expressions _S1, ...,_Sn, _U1, ...,_Uk :

           If                              _Tenv o {_x1:_S1, ..., _xn:_Sn } |- _pi:_Ui for all i = 1..k ,

Then _Tenv |- (class : _ct ( _x1 ... _xn ) ((_m1 _p1) ... (_mk _pk))) :

[_S1 * ... * _Sn -> _ct]

_ct : ClassTExp(_ct, (_m1 : _p1) ... (_mk : _pk))

You must implement the function typeofClass in file src/part3/src/L51-typeinference.ts to implement the typing rule.

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