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PPL212 - Assignment 5 -Solved

Question 1 - CPS [30 points]
1.1 Recursive to Iterative CPS Transformations [15 points]
The following implementation of the procedure append, presented in class, generates a recursive computation process:

; Signature: append(list1, list2) ; Purpose: Append list2 to list1.

; Type: [List<T> * List<T> -> List<T>]

; Example: (append '(1 2) '(3 4)) => '(1 2 3 4)

; Tests: (append '() '(3 4)) => '(3 4) (define append

(lambda (x y)

(if (empty? x) y

(cons (car x)

(append (cdr x) y)))))

a. Write a CPS style iterative procedure append$, which is CPS-equivalent to append. Implement the procedure in ex5.rkt.

(5 points)

b. Prove that append$ is CPS-equivalent to append. That is, for lists lst1 and lst2 and a continuation procedure cont, (append$ lst1 lst2 cont) = (cont (append lst1 lst2)). Prove the claim by induction (on the length of the first list), and using the applicative-eval operational semantics. Write your proof in ex5.p df.

(10 points)

1.2 b.       Structure identity [15 points]

We regard type-expressions as leaf-valued trees (in which data is stored only in the leaves). Trees may differ from one another both in structure and the data they store. E.g., examine the leaf-valued trees above.

Trees A and B have different data stored in their leaves, but they have the same structure. Both A and B have a different structure than C.

The CPS procedure equal-trees$ receives a pair of leaf-valued trees, t1 and t2, and two continuations: succ and fail and determines their structure identity as follows:

-       If t1 and t2 have the same structure, equal-trees$ returns a tree with the same structure, but where each leaf contains a pair with the leaves of the original two trees at this position (no matter whether their values agree or not).

-       Otherwise, equal-trees$ returns a pair with the first conflicting sub-trees in depth-first traversal of the trees.

Trees in this question are defined as an inductive data type:

-       Empty tree

-       Atomic tree (number or boolean or symbol)

-       Compound tree: no data on the root, one or more children trees.

(See lecture notes example s-for-search ) For example:

> (define id (lambda (x) x))

> (equal-trees$ '(1 (2) (3 9)) '(7 (2) (3 5)) id id) '((1 . 7) ((2 . 2)) ((3 . 3) (9 . 5)))

> (equal-trees$ '(1 (2) (3 9)) '(1 (2) (3 9)) id id)

'((1 . 1) ((2 . 2)) ((3 . 3) (9 . 9)))

> (equal-trees$ '(1 2 (3 9)) '(1 (2) (3 9)) id id)

'(2 2)  ;; Note that this is the pair '(2 . (2))

> (equal-trees$ '(1 2 (3 9)) '(1 (3 4)) id id)

'(2 3 4) ;; Note that this is the pair '(2 .  (3 4))

> (equal-trees$ '(1 (2) ((4 5))) '(1 (#t) ((4 5))) id id)

'((1 . 1) ((2 . #t)) (((4 . 4) (5 . 5)))) Implement the procedure equal-trees$ (in ex5.rkt).

Question 2 - Lazy lists [25 points]
a. Implement the reduce1-lzl procedure (in ex5.rkt), which gets a binary function, an init value, and a lazy list, and returns the reduced value of the given list (where the items are reduced according to their list order).

> (reduce1-lzl + 0

(cons-lzl 3 (lambda () (cons-lzl 8 (lambda () ‘())))))


> (reduce1-lzl / 6

(cons-lzl 3 (lambda () (cons-lzl 2 (lambda () ‘())))))

1   ;;; [6 / 3 / 2]

b. Implement the reduce2-lzl procedure (in ex5.rkt), which gets a binary function, an init value, a lazy list and an index n, and returns the reduce of the n first items of the given list (where the items are reduced according to their list order).

> (reduce2-lzl + 0 (integers-from 1) 5)


> (reduce2-lzl + 0

(cons-lzl 3 (lambda () (cons-lzl 2 (lambda () ‘())))) 5)


> (reduce2-lzl / 6 (integers-from 1) 2)

3    ;;; [6 / 1 / 2]

c.  Implement the reduce3-lzl procedure (in ex5.rkt), which gets a binary function, an init value and a lazy list, and returns a lazy-list which contains the reduced value of the first item in the given list, the reduced value of the first two items in the given list, and so on.

> (take (reduce3-lzl + 0 (integers-from 1)) 5)

'(1 3 6 10 15)

d.  For which cases will you use each of the above reduce1-lzl, reduce2-lzl and reduce3-lzl procedures?

e.  Implement the integers-steps-from procedure (in ex5.rkt), which returns a lazy list of integers from a given number with jumps according to a given number..

>(take (integers-steps-from 1 3) 5)

'(1 4 7 10 13)

>(take (integers-steps-from 4 -2) 5)

'(4 2 0 -2 -4)

f.   Use reduce3-lzl, map-lzl and integers-steps-from procedures in order to implements generate-pi-approximations procedure, which returns a lazy list composed of the approximations to pi according to this formula (taught in class), which converges to pi/8 when starting from a=1:

1/a×(a+2) + 1/(a+4)×(a+6) + 1/(a+8)∗(a+10) +…

The first item in the returned lazy list is the approximation according to 1/a×(a+2), the second item is the approximation according to 1/a×(a+2)+1/(a+4)×(a+6), and so on

>(take (generate-pi-approximations) 10)

'(2 2/3 2 94/105 2 3382/3465 3 769/45045 3 608747/14549535 3

19543861/334639305 3 352649347/5019589575 3

357188479553/4512611027925 3 388444659833/4512611027925 3


g.  What is the advantage and the disadvantage of generate-pi-approximations implementation,

w.r.t. the pi-sum implementation taught in class.

Question 3 - Logic programing [45 points]
3.1 Unification [10 points] [ex5.pdf]
What is the result of the operations? Provide all the algorithm steps. Explain in case of failure.

a.  unify[t(s(s), G, s, p, t(K), s), t(s(G), G, s, p, t(K), U)]

b.  unify[p([v | [V | W]]), p([[v | V] | W])]

3.2 Logic programming [20 points] []
We would like to write a database for books. It will be composed of three types of fact: author(Id, Name), genre(Id, name) and book(Name, AuthorId, GenreId, Length).

Implement the following predicates:

I.           authorOfGenre(GenreName, AuthorName), that is true if an author by the name

{AuthorName} has written a book belonging to the genre named {GenreName}

II.          longestBook(AuthorId, BookName), that is true if the longest book that an author with the ID {AuthorId} has written in titled {BookName}

III.        versatileAuthor(AuthorName), that is true if an author by the name {AuthorName} has written books in at least three different genres

Hint: Prolog has a built-in predicate findall(3) that you will find useful.

3.3 Proof tree [15 points] [ex5.pdf]
Draw the proof tree for the query:

% Signature: natural_number(N)/1 % Purpose: N is a natural number.

natural_number(zero). natural_number(s(X)) :- natural_number(X).

% Signature: plus(X, Y, Z)/3 % Purpose: Z is the sum of X and Y. plus(X, zero, X) :- natural_number(X). plus(X, s(Y), s(Z)) :- plus(X, Y, Z).

?- plus(s(s(zero)), s(X), s(s(s(s(zero))))).

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