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PPL212 - Assignment 2 -Solved

You are provided with the templates

Unpack the template files inside a folder. From the command line in that folder, invoke npm install, and work on the files in that directory, preferably working in the Visual Studio Code IDE (refer to the Useful Links). In order to run the tests, run npm test from the command line.

Important: Do not add any extra libraries and do not change the provided package.json and tsconfig.json configuration files. The graders will use the exact provided files. If you find any missing necessary libraries, please let us know.

Question 1: Theoretical Questions [30 points]
Q1.1 Why are special forms required in programming languages? Why can’t we simply define them as primitive operators? Give an example [4 points]

Q1.2 Write a program in L1, containing more than one expression, where the evaluation of the program’s expression can be done in parallel (e.g., the interpreter can run a thread for each expression evaluation).

Write a program in L1, containing more than one expression, where the evaluation of the program’s expression cannot be done in parallel.

[4 points]

Q1.3 Let us define the L0 language as L1 excluding the special form ‘define’. Is there a program in L1 which cannot be transformed to an equivalent program in L0? Explain or give a contradictory example [4 points]

Q1.4 Let us define the L20 language as L2 excluding the special form ‘define’. Is there a program in L2 which cannot be transformed to an equivalent program in L20? Explain or give a contradictory example [4 points]

Q1.5 For the following high-order functions in L3, which get a function and a list, indicate (and explain) whether the order of the procedure application on the list items should be sequential or can be applied in parallel:

-       map

-       reduce

-       filter

-       all (returns #t is the application of the given boolean function on each of the given list items returns #t)

-       compose (compose a given procedure with a given list of procedures)

[10 points]

Q1.6 Regarding L31 language, as defined in Q3b (below): what is the value of the following program? Explain.

(define b 1)

(define c 2)

(define pair

(class (a b)

((first (lambda () a))

(second (lambda () b))

(f (lambda () (+ a b c)))



(define p34 (pair 3 4))


(lambda (c) (p34 ‘f))



[4 points]

Question 2: Programing in L3 [30 points]
Write an L3 procedure append, which gets two lists and returns their concatenation. For example:

(append '(1 2) '(3 4)) → '(1 2 3  4)

Write an L3 procedure reverse, which gets a list and reverses it. For example: (reverse '(1 2 3))  →  '(3 2 1)

Write an L3 procedure duplicate-items, which gets two lists - lst , dup-count - and duplicates each item of lst according to the number defined in the same position in dup-count.

In case dups-count length is smaller than lst, dup-count should be treated as a cyclic list. Examples:

(duplicate-items '(1 2 3) '(1 0))→ '(1 3)

(duplicate-items '(1 2 3) '(2 1 0 10 2))→ '(1 1 2)

You may assume that dup-count contains numbers and is not empty.

Write an L3 procedure payment, which gets a sum of money and list of available coins, and returns the number of possible ways to pay the money with these coins. Examples:

(payment 10 ‘(5 5 10)) → 2 [1 coin of 10 ,2 coins of 5]

(payment 5 ‘(1 1 1 2 2 5 10) → 3

[1 coin of 5, 1 coin of 2 and 3 coins of 1, 2 coins of 2 and 1 coin of 1]

Write an L3 procedure compose-n, which gets an unary function f and a number n (>0) and returns the closure of the n-th self-composition of f: For example:

(define mul8 (compose-n (lambda (x) (* 2 x)) 3)) (mul8 3) → 24

You may add auxiliary procedures to all questions.

The code (without comments) should be submitted in file src/q2.l3
Don’t forget to write a contract for each of the above procedures.

; Signature:

; Type:

; Purpose:

; Pre-conditions:

; Tests:

Write the contracts in file id1_id2.pdf.

You can test your code with test/q2-tests.ts

Question 3: Syntactic Parsing & Transformations [25 points]
Let us define the L31 as L3 with the addition of the special form ‘class’ for class definition: A ‘class’ expression is defined by a list of ‘fields’ and a list of methods (as bindings - method names and method expressions), as given by the following abstract and concrete syntax:

<program> ::= (L31 <exp>+)             / Program(exps:List(exp))

<exp> ::= <define> | <cexp>            / DefExp | CExp <define> ::= ( define <var> <cexp> )   / DefExp(var:VarDecl, val:CExp)

<var> ::= <identifier>                 / VarRef(var:string)

<cexp> ::= <number>                    / NumExp(val:number)

|  <boolean>                   / BoolExp(val:boolean)

|  <string>                    / StrExp(val:string)

|  ( lambda ( <var>* ) <cexp>+ ) / ProcExp(args:VarDecl[],

|                                /  body:CExp[])) |  ( class ( <var>+ ) ( <binding>+ ) )

/ ClassExp(fields:VarDecl[], methods:Binding[]))

|  ( if <cexp> <cexp> <cexp> ) / IfExp(test: CExp,

|                                      then: CExp,

|                                      alt: CExp)

|  ( let ( <binding>* ) <cexp>+ ) / LetExp(bindings:Binding[],

                        |                                          body:CExp[]))

|  ( quote <sexp> )                / LitExp(val:SExp)

|  ( <cexp> <cexp>* )              / AppExp(operator:CExp,

                        |                                            operands:CExp[]))

<binding>  ::= ( <var> <cexp> )            / Binding(var:VarDecl,

                        |                                            val:Cexp)

<prim-op>  ::= + | - | * | / | < | > | = | not | eq? | string=?

| cons | car | cdr | list | pair? | list? | number?

| boolean? | symbol? | string?

<num-exp>  ::= a number token

<bool-exp> ::= #t | #f

<str-exp>  ::= "tokens*"

<var-ref>  ::= an identifier token

<var-decl> ::= an identifier token

<sexp>     ::= symbol | number | bool | string | ( <sexp>* )

The class Pair in Java, for example, can be defined in L31 with the new special for as follows:

// Java class Pair { private int a,b;

Pair(int a, int b) { this.a = a; this.b = b; } int first() { return a; } int second() { return b; } int sum() { return a + b; }



(define pair

(class (a b)

((first (lambda () a))

(second (lambda () b))

(sum (lambda () (+ a b)))



a. Add the new ‘class’ special form to the parser of L31 (the file ‘src/L31-ast.ts’):

In order to create an instance of a given class, the class should be ‘applied’ with the parameters for the fields (as done with constructor in languages like Java)

// Java

Pair p34 = new Pair(3,4);

// L31

(define p34 (pair 3 4))

In order to call a method in L31, the instance should be applied with a symbol which denote the method:

// Java p34.first(); → 3 p43.second();

→ 4 p34.sum(); → 7

// L31

(p34 ‘first)

→ 3

(p34 ‘second)

→ 4

(p34 ‘add)

→ 7

In order to avoid the implementation of the semantics of the ‘class’ form in the interpreter of L31, one of the students suggested transforming a given ‘class’ expression to an equivalent AppExp. The Pair class, for example, can be expressed by the following ProcExp (for simplicity, we assume that the methods of the class have no parameter, and that #f indicates error in the transformed code as done in the following example):

(define pair

(lambda (a b)

(lambda (msg)

(if (eq? msg 'first)

((lambda () a) )

(if (eq? msg 'second)

((lambda () b) )

(if (eq? msg 'sum)

((lambda () (+ a b)) )


b. Implement the procedure class2proc (at file src/q3.ts), which applies a syntactic transformation from a ClassExp to an equivalent ProcExp.

Implement the procedure L31ToL3 (at file src/q3.ts), which gets an L31 AST and returns an equivalent L3 AST.

The code should be submitted in files src/q3.ts, src/L31-ast.ts

You can test your code with test/q3-tests.ts

Question 4: Code translation [15 points]
Write the procedure l2ToPython which transforms a given L2 program to a Python program.

For example:

(+ 3 5) ⇒ (3 + 5)

(if (> x 3) 4 5) ⇒ (4 if (x > 3) else 5)

(lambda (x y) (* x y)) ⇒ (lambda x, y : (x * y))

((lambda (x y) (* x y)) 3 4) ⇒  (lambda x, y : (x * y))(3,4)

(define pi 3.14) ⇒ pi = 3.14

(define f (lambda (x y) (* x y))) ⇒ f = (lambda x, y : (x * y))

(f 3 4) ⇒ f(3,4) boolean? ⇒ (lambda x : (type(x) == bool))


(define b (> 3 4))

(define x 5)

(define f (lambda (y) (+ x y)))

(define g (lambda (y) (* x y)))

(if (not b) (f 3) (g 4))

(if (= a b) (f 3) (g 4))

(if (> a b) (f 3) (g 4))

((lambda (x) (* x x)) 7)


b = (3 > 4) x = 5 f = (lambda y : (x + y)) g = (lambda y : (x * y)) (f(3) if (not b) else g(4))

(f(3) if (a == b) else g(4))

(f(3) if (a > b) else g(4))

(lambda x : (x * x))(7)

The procedure gets an L2 AST and returns a string of the equivalent Python program.

To make things simpler, you can assume that the body of the lambda expressions contains one expression.

Note: The primitive operators of L2 are: +, -, *, /, <, >, =, number?, boolean?, eq?, and, or, not Hint: Take a look at the unparse procedure

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