Input/output format (including the function name and the number of arguments)
1. Write a Prolog predicate maxodd(L,Res) that computes the maximum integer that appears in the odd position of an integer list L and stores the result in Res. Assume that L contains at least 1 element. E.g. |?-maxodd([1,5,3,4,2], Res).
Res = 3 //3 is the maximum number that appears in the odd position of the list [1,5,3,4,2]
2. Define a Prolog predicate deleteNList(N,L,Res) that delete every Nth argument of a list : and store the results in Res.
E.g. | ?- deleteNList(3, [2,3,4,5,6,7,8], Res).
Res = [2,3,5,6,8].
3. Write a Prolog predicate replace_first(L, X, Y, Res) that replaces the first occurrences of X in a list L with Y and stores the result in Res. IF L does not contain X, then return L. e.g. | ?- replace_first([2,1,3,1,4,1,5,1,6,1], 1, 6, Res). Res = [2,6,3,1,4,1,5,1,6,1].
4. Write a Prolog program position(X, L, Res) that takes an integer X and an integer list L, returns a list of positions of X in L. The result is stored in Res. e.g. |?- position(1, [1,3,1,2,5,1], Res).
Res = [1,3,6].
5. Given the following code in Java
public class A
{ public void p() { System.out.println("A.p");} public void q() { System.out.println("A.q");}
public void r() { p(); q();}
class B extends A
{ public void p() { System.out.println("B.p");}
class C extends B
{ public void q() { System.out.println("C.q");}
public void r() { q(); p();}
A a = new B();
a = new C();
What does the above program print?
6. [12 points] Question 10.20 Given the following code in C++:
class A{
virtual void p(){cout << "A.p"<< endl;} void q(){cout << "A.q" << endl;} virtual void r(){p(); q();}
class B: public A{ public:
void p(){cout << "B.p" << endl;}
}; class C: public B{ public:
void q(){cout << "C.q" << endl;}
void r(){q(); p();}
A a; C c; a = c; a.r();
A* ap = new B; ap - r();
A* ap1 = new C; ap1 - r();
What does the above program print?
7. [16 points] Question 10.48 Class A
{ public:
virtual void f();
virtual void g();
private: int a;
}; class B: public A { public:
void f();
void h();
private: int b;
Class C: public B
{ public: void g();
Private: int c; }
Draw the VMT of each class and the layout of memory for a dynamically-allocated object of each class.