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PHP Project 1 Solution

In this project, you'll create an app that displays random famous quotes each time a button is clicked. You will select your own quotes from famous historical figures, artists, scientists, celebrities, etc..
"Every great developer you know got there by solving problems they were unqualified to solve until they actually did it." – Patrick McKenzie
You'll use your growing knowledge of basic PHP syntax, variables, loops and object literals to complete this project.
To help you get started, you'll be supplied with some basic starter files, including the HTML, CSS, and a PHP file containing some starter code and comments. But you'll have to:
• Locate and select your own quotes
• Build the multidimensional array of quote elements to store the quotes.
• Add inner associative arrays of each quote
• Write your own functions for selecting random quotes from the array and printing them to the screen.
This project is a fun and effective way for you to practice fundamental PHP skills while also creating a simple interactive portfolio piece to showcase your understanding of PHP fundamentals.
While you develop this project, you'll store and track it on GitHub, an important tool used by millions of developers across the globe to help share code and work collaboratively on programming projects. Creating and using a GitHub account is not only a basic requirement for most modern developers, it is also a great way to share your work with family, friends, and most importantly, potential employers.
After completing this project, you'll have a tremendous sense of accomplishment, an awesome example of your hard work to show off, and you'll be one important step closer to your goals. Best of luck and happy coding!

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